Chapter 32

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Okay! Before this begins! This is a filler chapter before the next arc that I'm calling the Christmas arc. So yeah... think of this as an OVA. No I'm not gonna make another book because I'm afraid none of you will click it.

Anyways this is just random and I don't know... Yes an actual chapter will be out tomorrow. So this chapter is just them playing chess... and I made it random everything and I kid you not this is how it all played out...

"TOURNAMENT ARRRRRRRRRC!!!!" Mari yelled after I walked into their house.

"What the heck's happening?" I asked.

"If you didn't hear me already..." Mari paused, "TOURNAMENT ARRRRRRRRRRRRRCCC!!!!!" 

"Yes, I understand that, what's the tournament on?"

"Something that requires brains... which unfortunately you don't have." Dia smirked.

"I hope you're not suggesting something like jenga." I sighed.

"Onee-chan wants to play chess." Ruby said.

"If this is a tournament arc, then what are the roles of each of us?" You asked.

"Okay." Riko said thoughtfully, "Dia's the antagonist, bully, and person most to win. Ruby is the student that's been training, Mari is the underdog, I'm the standard semi final contender, Kanan is the lucky one, and Shizuko is the protagonist. Everyone else sucks."

Okay so anyways, it's double elimination because Dia was so confident she'd win that she wanted the rest of us to be able to at least win one game.

One game only, if you drew... sucks to suck I guess. Anyways this was the bracket. 

Round 1:

Riko vs Dia

You vs Hanamaru

Third Person's or Announcer's POV 

These games have a 10 minute timer for each side. So you can win from a Timeout, Checkmate, or quitting.

In the first game between Riko and Dia we have the tensions rising already. Riko is known to be a pretty good contender in chess, definitely one of the top seeds of this tournament. However random shuffle puts her against the self-proclaimed antagonist of this tournament Dia.

So I won't bore you with the stupid moves but basically IT WAS DOWN TO THE WIRE! No it wasn't... Riko tried to play aggressive attempting to catch Dia making a mistake. However Dia was too smart and took her time with this. 

In fact it was Riko who was caught off guard losing her knight, bishop and three pawns early. And the onslaught continued as Dia made her lose her trade queens and that sealed the deal.

In game two You had an easy win as Hanamaru had no clue what the hell she was doing. In fact at one point she attempted to eat one of the pieces, not eat as in capture the pieces. I mean almost putting it in her mouth...

Now it's time to announce round 2!

Ruby vs Dia

Kanan vs Chika

Yohane vs You

Shizuko vs Mari

Alright! In Kanan vs Chika, the mikan girl had no clue what she was doing. At one point yelling, "King me!" as if this was checkers. Kanan cruised to an easy victory.

You vs Yohane was basically the same as Yohane was trying to summon some sort of little demon on her pieces, I don't really know what happened there. So You already with two easy opponents.

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