Chapter 50

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Originally I planned for this chapter to be Dia's birthday because I knew her birthday was in January. My idiot brain thought that she was born on January 13th, unfortunately she was born on January 1st. 

So there goes my plan, guess I'll just have move it over to spring time... so yeah I didn't want to do anything with Valentine's day (in the stories time) so let's just make the season spring now.

The flowers started to bloom now, the first gentle breeze after the harsh winter came. The cherry blossoms started to grow. Showing the season of spring. And for many students around the country it meant one thing: 

Spring break.

Now during this time I didn't really do anything, it was just another break from school. My parents still had to work so I really had nothing to do. 

But this wasn't a normal time. Ever since that dreaded day when nine, uninvited girls waltzed into my neighborhood, my life has been turned upside down. 

And normally this should signify that my life has gotten worse, but with these guys my life has gotten better believe it or not. This sounds really sappy now that I think about it, but these nine really have made my life better.

I'm not depressed or anything like that, well- kind of. Okay I'll explain everything since I haven't really talked about it this much. 

When I was a kid, I didn't make friends easily. You remember that one guy at the beginning that I mentioned? He was my only friend throughout the years, he moved away a little after the girls came. And honestly when he left I felt like I had no one else to go to. 

But like any good anime plot, the harem that I found myself in, actually does it count if I like them but they don't like me? I'm just gonna assume so...

Moving on, these nine have impacted my life for the better. But like the saying goes, all good things eventually will come to an end. And unfortunately between the ten of us, that will come in a few months now, three to be exact.

Though it's just like Kanan said, we're all under the same sky so we'll never truly be apart.

Gosh, this isn't supposed to be sad yet, but I already feel lonely. Even though they were still here, I felt alone. At least until my door was broken down. 

"SHIZUKOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Mari charged in grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me out the door.

"What's happening?!" I asked as she was pulling me down the stairs, "Fire? CPR? What do you need?!" 

She didn't answer, she threw me out of the door. I looked up at the other eight who all had suitcases. I think we all know where this is going.

"You're moving already?" I said, my worst fear happening right before my eyes.

"No stupid, we're going somewhere." Hanamaru sighed.

"So why am I down here again? Couldn't you just text me to say you were going somewhere over break?"

Riko shook her head, "You claim you're not an idiot, but you're an idiot. Obviously you're coming as well." 


Apparently while I wasn't looking the third years ran up to my room and threw a bunch of clothes into a suitcase they found. Then threw it out of the window, and like always it hits me in the head.

They started shoving me into Mari's van, "Shouldn't I tell my parents?" I asked.

"Wait, they didn't tell you?" Mari looked confused.

"Check your phone..." Dia said.

There were two messages, one from my mom that said

Have a good day, make sure to lock the door before leaving town.

There was another message from my dad,

You need any money to buy c******?

Thank god my phone censored it. I can guess what he was trying to say, but at the same time I don't want to tell you all what he said.

Especially if we're keeping this 12+

Before I even knew what was happening, we arrived at a freaking airport. Where were we even going? 

It doesn't appear that we're going out of the country as I didn't have my passport. Maybe we were just going a little further North or South. 

The Southern part was where all of the beaches were, the Northern part was the mountains. So we're either going to have a relaxing trip in the cool air of the mountains, or we're going to have a freaking beach episode.

My brain is telling me that I want to go North, but another side of me (maybe the perverted side) is telling me that I would like to go South.

When we got on the plane and they announced where we were going I had to admit I was a little disappointed. We were going North, but at least it meant I wouldn't get any misunderstandings this way.

The nine were excited and I had to admit I too was looking forward to this. Mainly because we'd all spend time together and there would be no conflict whatsoever...

At least I hope so.

Third Person's POV

As the plane took off there was only one thing going through the nine's mind. 

"I'm going to confess here." 

What was going through the guy they would confess to? 

"Did I lock the door? Dang it, I forgot to do the one thing my mom told me to do..."

I decided to keep it short and sweet today... Mainly because I had no clue what to write about, I was gonna do Dia's birthday, let me know if I should use the idea of Dia's birthday with someone else's. 

Anyways sorry it was kind of boring today, and no they're not gonna just say "I like you Shizuko." right away. It's going to be a process, and a struggle. And there will be more times they fall in love.

But the real question is who will he pick? And that's the question I have to think about tonight...

I love you all!

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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