Chapter 21

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Riko's POV

I'm such an idiot, I'm such an idiot, I'm such an idiot.

Why the heck did I run into the darkness with no one?

That was so stupid... I can't see anything. Hanamaru's knife was definitely not real so why was I so scared? Plus Pervert isn't with me so I'm all alone.

I'm such an idiot.

By this point I had stopped running and started walking. I didn't remember where I came from. I made plenty of twist and turns because I learned that when running away you have to not run in a straight line.

Obviously that plan backfired on me... Where was everyone? I don't think I'm still on the path of the test of courage. I actually think I ran pretty far. 

This was so dumb of me, it was just freaking Hanamaru... and now I'm lost. I wandered down another alley. It was about eight or nine o'clock. I gave Chika my phone cause her costume could hold all of our phones.

"Anyone out there?" I called out.

"Yeah, there's someone here." a voice said. Just then three big guys came emerging out of the dark.

"U-um... hello." I said a little scared.

"She's pretty cute." the guy on the left said.

"Whatcha doin out here?" the one on the right asked.

"U-um... I'm lost..." I admitted.

The one in the middle grinned, he was missing a few teeth. "Don't worry, you're home now!" he said before they grabbed me.

"HELP!!!" I yelled as they carried me off into the darkness of the alley never to be seen again.

MC's POV (Yes I'll give him a name very soon)

I was able to gather up everyone rather quickly. Kanan was crying on a bench while Mari patted her head. Ruby and Yoshiko were a little further down the path. Chika and You had already finished. And Hanamaru and Dia were buying us food.

"Guys!" I said after finding everyone, "Riko took off after being scared by Hanamaru. I don't know where she went... Help me look for her." I said before taking off again.

Where could she have gone? This place wasn't even that big but there were a ton of alleys... There was not a lot of people around us. It was now close to ten which meant the trick or treaters were starting to slow down.

The only people out now were teenagers, homeless people, and drug sellers... Oh also there's someone that looks like Riko. 

That's talking to three strangers and oh god they just got picked up. Eh, at least it's not Riko. I turned around and started running the opposite directions. 

"HELP!!!" a terrified scream rang around the area. That was Riko. 


I took off after them. Also calling Chika and everyone else to come help.


"WHAT?!?!?!" Chika yelled from the other end.

"WHO?!?!??!" You yelled angrily.

"I don't know but I'll text you guys where we are." I said before hanging up.

I sent the text of the address of the place beside the alley. I quietly followed them. From what I could tell, they haven't done anything from Riko.

That doesn't mean she was safe, they reached the end of the alley and allowed Riko to sit down.

All three of them approached her, I had to do something. An object on the left of me caught my attention. It was a mid sized rock.

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