Chapter 65

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It had been five years since I've last seen and spoken to them. I somehow graduated high school the next year and had just barely survived university. I moved to Tokyo to set out on my own. 

In university I tried dating, was asked out a few times as well. Things never got too serious, the most was that we went on a few dates. But it just didn't feel right. I was still missing her.

I'm sure the potential lovers saw that my mind was on someone else. I would apologize to them and they'd tell me that it was fine and to go follow my heart.

"Yeah but how do I do that when I don't know where they are?" I'd always tell myself.

We're all connected under one sky... was what Kanan used to say. But she didn't tell me that the sky was this big. I can't keep living in the past... so is it time to move on?

I found a job in Tokyo, working in a café. Rented an apartment and applied for job interviews in the writing industry. I always felt like I could write a good story... Or at least edit someone else's story.

Everyday was the same boring routine, apply, go to interview, get rejected, go to work, go home, sleep. I kept hoping that maybe one day... I'd at least see them again. It didn't necessarily have to be her.

Tsuki would text me now and then... She now lived in Italy, apparently the place she was born in. Due to time differences, we never could hold a conversation for more than a few minutes. 

There's always tomorrow... is what she usually texted me with. Which is true, but what if my version of tomorrow never came?

What's the version you may ask? Seeing them, being with them again. Heck even just running into them on accident would be worth it. 

But like I said, it would never come. I was now a twenty-three year old guy, they were all grown up now. 

It's time to move on... They probably already have too. It's like she said in the letter, we are just high school crushes. But to me it meant a lot more. Those nine changed my life completely. They made that year the happiest year of my life. And I did say I didn't want to stop them from being the best they could be...

But at the same time... I didn't want them to leave. I didn't want to be separated. I wanted to be together always. My parents told me I did the correct thing. They said I'd be holding them back.

Well if it's the correct thing? Then why does it feel so wrong?

So should I give up? Should I let my feelings go? It has been five years... 365 times 5 is 1825. 1825 days that I haven't seen them. 

What if they already have boyfriends? What if they're even engaged? 

Would I be mad? Frustrated? I had waited five years for a possible reunion. Definitely heart broken, they would've stomped on my heart twice.

That's assuming we meet again, do they even remember who I am?

"Shizuko? You alright buddy?" My co-worker and senpai in the café asked. "You seem awfully distracted today?"

"I'll explain it on my break." I sighed.

I told him the entire story on my break, it looked like he might start crying, "That's horrible! My heart would've shattered!" he sniffed.

"My heart did shatter." I commented.

"Wait... you said there were nine? What were their names?" 

"Chika, Riko, You, Ruby-"

"That one! You!" he stopped me, "There was someone in the café today, there were three of them! One was drinking a mikan smoothie!"

"Wait are you serious?" I said stunned.

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