Chapter 16

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"Mari's gonna stay over at your place tonight..." Dia said.

"WHAT?!?!" I said aloud.

I pointed accusingly at her, "YOU SAID THEY WERE GONNA MAKE UP BY LUNCH!!!" 

"I said I hope!" she protested.

"You should've hoped harder!!!" I said angrily, then I realized something, "Wait? Why is she staying at my place again?!"

"Because she said you're the only person she could trust." 

"TRUST WITH WHAT?!?!" I said very confused.

"I don't know she said that she's going to live there until Kanan apologizes." Dia said taking a drink of water.

I ran to find Kanan. Where was she? Shouldn't she be at lunch? She was in the classroom eating by herself. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because Mari should be down there, I'm not talking to her." she said stubbornly.

"Jeez, just marry each other why don't you..." I rolled my eyes, "Look can you save us all some trouble and apologize?" 

"For what?" she asked.


"If she wasn't being a piece of crap I wouldn't have to do this." she said sternly.

"THERE ARE PLENTY OF OTHER WAYS TO SOLVE THIS BESIDES DUCT TAPING HER MOUTH SHUT!!!!" I literally face palmed it hurt how dumb she was acting.

"Look," I said, "We all know both sides are wrong right now. We know the both of you don't actually hate each other, in fact you love each other." Kanan looked away when I said that. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said not looking at me, "Whatever, unless she apologizes to me then I'm not saying sorry back."

This conversation was going absolutely nowhere. This is actually stupid. Why the hell are these two all of sudden hating each other over a stupid fight.

I got up and walked out the door, but before I left I shouted at her, "JUST MARRY HER ALREADY!!!" before running for my life, let's hope she didn't take off behind me.

I started looking for Mari. She wasn't at lunch so Kanan was wrong, but where was she?

Of course she's on the roof... I sighed as I climbed all the way up there. 

She looked up when she saw me, "Ara ara..." she said.

"Shut up, use ara ara on Kanan why don't you." I said not falling for it. "Speaking of you and Kanan can you just go back to flirting with each other?" 

"Aw..." Mari pouted, "Can't I flirt with you?" 

"Please stop... we both know that if someone hears this they'll misunderstand like every anime in existence." I sighed.

"But I want to!" she said. 

"Stop being a baby and apologize." 


"Yeah, you must put a lot of things in your mouth..." I said.

"Are you assuming something?" she asked, "Anyways she should apologize I wasn't being annoying like she said!"

"You woke me up today yelling 'SHINYYYYY!!!' at the top of your lungs." I complained.

"I was just stating facts!" she claimed, "The sun was very shiny!" 

I stood up, "Where are you going?" she asked. 

"To go grab some duct tape from Kanan." I said walking away.

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