Beyond Repair

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Estella awoke to a warm cloth pressed against her face. "I don't fancy blacking out," she groaned as she opened her eyes slowly. Blonde hair shone in front of her gaze. "Fleur?"

The French woman smiled at her gently. "You ez finally awake."

Estella sat up quickly, only to be pushed down again.

"You must rest." Fleur's eyes darkened. "Your body ez veery weak."

Estella shook her head. "Harry? And the others?" She blinked rapidly. "Are they alright?"

"All fine," Fleur stood, carrying the bowl of warm water. "And the Malfoy boy and his woman too."

Estella breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you," she blinked softly, shifting her bandaged arm. "How is Hermione?"

"Troubled," Fleur frowned. "But better."

Estella bit her lip, feeling a stab of guilt. She looked at Fleur. "Would you help me up?"

Fleur shook her head vehemently.

"Fleur," Estella grinned painfully. "I will crawl my way downstairs."

The blonde shook her head. "You are too stubborn." She smiled. "Jest like my Bill."

Estella stood, leaning against her shoulder, her tall frame nearly covering Fleur's petite one. "How is he?"

"Good," Fleur responded as they made their way around the corner. "He likes 'is meat raw."


Estella stiffened at the sound of Sirius's voice.

"No relative of Bellatrix is ever not evil."

"Thanks for the sympathy," Estella limped into the room as the conversation died.

Remus, Sirius, Bill, Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat around a large table. Their eyes were wide as they realized Estella had been listening, with varying degrees of guilt on their faces.

"Don't let me stop you," Estella winced as she bumped into a cabinet. "I've heard it all."

"Should you be up Pen- Estella?" Remus looked concerned.

Fleur rolled her eyes as she wiped her hands on her apron. "The question is how long can she refuse to lay down."

Estella waved a hand, rubbing her eyes. "I'm fine. Where are Draco and Tracy?"

"Went for a walk," Bill stood, smirking. "Never thought I'd see a Malfoy so whipped."

Estella laughed, feeling a bubble of joy. She looked at Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who seemed to be avoiding her gaze. "What happened after I passed out?"

Hermione's eyes began to fill with tears. "I'm so sorry Penny!" she blurted. "The instant you left we were worried sick."

"Hey," Estella shook her head, taking in her friend's haggard appearance. "Hermione I understand. I was a horrible friend." She reached over, taking Hermione's hand gently. "I'm sorry about everything."

Hermione smiled weakly.

Estella looked at Ron with a questioning gaze, still avoiding Harry's.

"Dobby appeared," Ron explained, his eyes solemn. "Saved our lives and disapparated all of us here." He looked down. "But Bellatrix threw her dagger and.."

Estella's eyes widened in horror. "No," she whispered. A bubble of rage trembled in her chest and Estella closed her eyes, feeling them burn. Blinking away the haze, Estella looked at Sirius.

"Did you bury him?"

"Harry did," the man rasped. "Without a wand."

Estella shivered. "Excuse me." Standing, she pushed her way past the cloak rack and out the door.

The wind hit her face immediately, almost blowing her off her feet. Drawing her nightdress closer, Estella stumbled through the sand, making her way to the hill. At the top stood a small stone.

Tears burned down her face as she let out a sob. Her chest heaving, she collapsed on the ground, running her finger along the stone. "I'm so sorry," she choked. "It wasn't your job."

"It's not your fault."

Estella whipped around to see Harry standing behind her, his hair tossing in the breeze. She finally met his gaze, the emerald searing her own. "Yes. It was."

Harry frowned, running a hand through his hair. "If anything, it was mine."

"No," Estella shook her head. "Harry, it wasn't. You've always been the hero," she stared across the waves of sand, the wind picking up grains and dancing them in the air. "You would never put yourself first."

There was a pause as Harry took a step closer. "Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was low. "I would've helped you."

"I know Harry," Estella gazed at him with sadness. "I know. I just," she broke off. "Everything was happening so fast, yet too slow. I tried to distract myself and told myself that you wouldn't understand. That there was no going back from telling you the truth." She paused. "I was afraid. And I thought I was protecting you."

Harry scoffed, standing at her feet. "You should know better than anyone that I'm never safe."

"I know!" Estella cried, standing shakily. "And I can never tell you how sorry I am, Harry!" She bit her lip, drawing blood. "I'm really sorry."

"Are you keeping any more secrets?" Harry's gaze was firm.

Estella remained unblinking. "Yes," her voice was soft. "I'm not going to lie to you anymore."

"Brilliant!" Harry stormed away from her. "So now you just will tell me when you're lying."

"It's not just my secrets!" Estella shook her head, thinking of Snape. "Some are not for me to tell!"

Harry whipped around, facing her with a exasperated expression. "How am I supposed to be able to trust you Pen- Estella?"

Estella didn't like the way the name was spat from his lips. "Because I love you," she blurted, immediately smacking a hand over her mouth.

Harry's eyes widened and Estella began to shake.

"I love you, Harry. And I will always be on your side."

Harry turned away, refusing to look in her direction. "I think what we had is broken. And it's not coming back."

Estella swallowed a wad of tears before giving a small murmur of recognition, turning away to go back to the cottage. Harry stayed behind, his gaze towards the horizon.

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now