The Hunt Resumes

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"He what?" Tracy whispered, her eyes stretched wide.

Estella fiddled with her mug, feeling the familiar prick of tears. "Yeah. I don't think there's any going back."

"Oh, I'm sorry Stella," Tracy pulled her friend close. "I'm sorry."

"He doesn't deserve you."

Estella looked up to see Amelie standing in the doorway. "Amelie!"

Her adoptive mother walked over and squeezed her arm gently. "It hurts now. But it is worth it in the end. He knows you love him and that is all he can ask for."

Estella smiled weakly, remembering Amelie's pain over Lucius. "Thank you, mother."

Amelie's eyes softened as she took a seat next to her daughter. "Things with Bellatrix turned sour?"

Estella grimaced, rubbing her arm. "I think the only child she wants is a dead one."

Amelie stiffened, her eyes dark. "And I thought she could go no lower."

"What's happening?" Estella looked at her mother. "What's the plan?"

Amelie turned to look at Tracy. "You want to tell her?"

Estella nodded, feeling a wave of relief. "She won't tell anyone."

Tracy looked nervous, but shook her head quickly. "Of course not."

"Estella mentioned the prophecy?" Amelie took in Tracy's nod of affirmation. "Good. Well there is another part. The Dark Lord placed a piece of his power inside her as a baby. The power has been ever growing."

Tracy gasped. "That's why your eyes.." she cut herself off, looking at Estella in embarrassment. "I swore they were red last night."

Estella turned scarlet. "Right."

Amelie narrowed her own eyes. "Of which she should have better control." She shook her head. "Potter doesn't realize it, but he can't defeat the Dark Lord alone."

Tracy frowned, her gaze darkening as she leaned forward. "What does that mean?"

Estella shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know exactly."

"But you have some idea."

Estella was spared from answering as Sirius sprinted into the room, his expression furious.

"Tell them it's a ridiculous idea." He looked at Amelie, who simply raised an eyebrow.

Estella turned to see Harry in the doorway. She met his gaze, ignoring the tug of her stomach nerves. "What is?"

"We think Bellatrix may have a Horcrux in her vault at Gringotts," Hermione looked hesitant. "She was terrified when she thought we stole the sword from her vault."

Amelie's gaze darkened. "It would be just like Bella to have something like that in her possession."

"So you want to break in?" Estella deadpanned. She shook her head as there was an uncomfortable pause. "Well, you'll need me then."

"That's not neces-"

"Sod off Potter," Estella snapped, standing quickly. "You'll need Bellatrix to access the vault. And I know her better than anyone."

Ignoring the glare Ron shot her, she left the room to go congratulate Lupin.

"He's beautiful," she grinned at the moving photograph of a tiny blue-haired boy. "Glad he's a Metamorphagus like his mum."

Remus smiled, his eyes filled with a joy she had never seen before. "I never knew I could be this happy."


Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now