The First Service

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Estella was clenching her teeth so hard she thought her jaw might burst. Voldemort stood in front of her, Bellatrix, and Rookwood, smirking.

"For dear Penny's first mission, I have a muggle family I want you to dispose of," Voldemort's lip curled. "Three adults and one child. It should send a message to the blood traitors in the area of what is to come of their precious mudbloods." He looked at Rookwood, who respectfully lowered his eyes. "I trust you will have no problems."

"Of course not my lord," Rookwood murmured raising his wand to put on his mask.

Bellatrix looked at Estella gleefully while Estella felt like she was going to be sick. She feared this time would come. With a swallow, she held onto her mother's arm and they apparated with a pop.

Estella opened her eyes and before her stood a nice house. The flowerbeds were carefully primed and there was soft laughter carrying out through the open window. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. This family would be happy for only a few minutes more.

"The child is upstairs," Rookwood came from around the corner. "Bellatrix and I will take care of the rest. Penny, you know what to do."

Estella nodded, careful to let nothing give away her despair. With a last glance at the hooded figures of her mother and Rookwood making their way to the door, Estella spun and apparated to the upstairs bedroom.

A young girl looked at her from her bed, trembling with tears in her eyes.

"Stay away from me!" she shrieked, and several books flung themselves at Estella.

Estella ducked as her eyes widened in surprise. This girl was a witch. "Shh," she motioned with her hand, but the girl was hysterical.

"I knew you would come. I saw you!" the girl pointed an accusing finger, trembling. "I told mummy about my dream but she wouldn't listen!"

Estella inhaled sharply. She was a Seer. "Silencio," she hissed. "Immobilus!" The girl froze, but Estella could still feel her frightened glare. "Listen to me," she got close to the girl. "I am pretending to be on the bad side and they want me to kill you. I'm going to let you go but you must pretend I killed you or I will be in danger. Is there somewhere safe you can go to?" She removed the jinxes and the girl looked at her sadly, but with less anger.

"My aunt and uncle.. they live a few streets away."

"Okay," Estella hissed. "When I nod, I want you to scream, I will levitate you out the window and you must run and never look back. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded, her eyes wide. Estella opened the window and gave a nod and the girl like out a blood curdling shriek.

"My girl!"

Estella winced at the mother's desperate voice downstairs and the little girl began to sob. Estella shook her head and lowered the girl out the window into the back garden. She gave her a strong nod and the small figure turned and ran into the darkness.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Estella shouted, aiming at a moth on the window sill. The creature froze and fell to the ground, never to move again. Estella swallowed the tears that threatened to spill as she made her way downstairs to the horrible sight.

Her mother stood over a lifeless young man and what could have only been the mother, signs of torture evident on their bodies. Bellatrix looked up, the evil chaos in her eyes fading when she saw Estella.

"Ah darling!" she called. "You take care of the girl?"

Estella gave a stiff nod, unable to trust her voice.

"You monster!" the father was silenced as Rookwood kicked him down, aiming a wand at his throat.

"Be quiet you fool!" Rookwood hissed. He looked at Bellatrix and Estella. "The Dark Lord wants to bring him back alive," his lip curled. "To have some fun."

Estella swallowed and once again linked arms with her mother as they apparated to Malfoy Manor. Voldemort stood waiting, a pleased smile on his face.

"You have done well my friends. And Penny," he paused, lifting Estella's face to his. "I am impressed."

Estella shut down as she felt a prodding in her mind. Carefully, she placed an image of her killing the girl in Tom Riddle's head. It was what he was looking for and Voldemort didn't press further.

"Excellent," Voldemort looked down at the man they had brought in disgust. "Bella, you can take care of him."

Estella looked at her mother's eager gaze and felt her stomach lurch. There was no way she could watch this man meet the same fate as his wife and son.

"On second thought," Voldemort drawled, leaning forward over the table. "Let Penny prove her worth."

Estella wanted to die but one look at Voldemort's face told her this was a test. He wanted to see how loyal she really was.

"Gladly," she sneered, keeping her face clear of any emotion.

Rookwood shoved the man to the ground and he let out a groan.

"You're going to pay for this," he hissed, pain evident on his face. "You murdered my baby."

Estella raised her wand, using everything she could to keep her wand from shaking. "Crucio"

There was a flash of red light and the man slumped to the floor, rolling with agony. His screams filled the air as the Death Eaters cheered, watching in man with excitement. Estella lowered her wand slowly as the man panted on the floor, his face twisted in pain.

"Well done."

She shivered as Voldemort placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I do believe you will be a good asset," he hissed. "Your thirst for justice is so much like mine."

Estella kept her face expressionless as she exited the dining hall, ignoring her mother's congratulations. Turning on her heel, she apparated to Blackwood Manor and fell to the ground, emptying the contents of her stomach.

Amelie ran into the room. "Estella! What happened?"

Estella collapsed on the ground, bursting into sobs. "I.. hurt.. himm.. and now he's.. he's going.."

Amelie's eyes darkened and she wrapped her arms around her adopted daughter. "I know." Was all she said, stroking her daughter's back. "I know."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now