A Cursing

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Estella pranced through the snow of Hogsmeade, dancing under the cold air.

"Bloody hell," Ron shivered and pulled his scarf around his ears. "Why are you so cheerful? I'm freezing my bum off."

"I love the snow," Estella giggled, uncharacteristically happy. She was attracting curious glances but she couldn't help it. Everyday she grew more hysterical as the pressure and tensions increased.

"Wait," Hermione breathed in sharply and Estella turned around.

Katie Bell has risen several feet in the air, her mouth open in a scream.

Estella sprinted over and saw the half open package on the ground, recognizing the necklace inside from Borgin and Burkes.

"Don't touch it!" she shouted at Ron as she raised her wand, lowering Katie to the ground. She leaned over the motionless girl, feeling for a pulse. "Cmon Katie," she muttered. After a tense moment she felt the soft thud of a heartbeat. Breathing a sigh of relief, she ran her wand across the girl's body, muttering as many counter curses and healing spells as she knew. Amelie has been sure to fill her brain with everything.

Estella stood. "She needs more help, I can't do anymore." She looked over at Hagrid, who had rushed to the scene. "Can you carry her to the Hospital Wing?"

McGonagall stood over Katie, who had been laid on a cot, Madame Pomfrey fussing over her. "Why," the head of Gryffindor house sighed irritably. "Whenever there is trouble it is always you four?"

Ron snorted. "Believe me Professor I've been asking myself the same question for six years."

Estella would have laughed if not for the sinking feeling in her chest. She had a guess of who was behind this.

Apparently Harry did too. "It was Malfoy Professor!" he exclaimed, his voice angry.

"How can you be sure?" McGonagall looked at the boy sternly. "That is a very big accusation Potter."

Estella shook her head. She had to find her cousin fast. "Excuse me, I have to use the loo." She ignored her friend's questioning stares as she rushed out of the Hospital Wing. After keeping tabs on Draco for weeks, she knew exactly where he would be.

Standing by the wall on the seventh floor, she closed her eyes and thought "I need to see Draco and make sure he's safe." When she opened her eyes, there stood the doors to the Room of Requirement.

Pushing her way in, Estella made no attempt to be quiet as she made her way around piles of junk to the familiar blonde head. "Draco Lucius Malfoy!" she called, anger bubbling up inside her.

Draco spun around, obviously caught off guard. "Penny?" he hissed. "You shouldn't be here."

"Oh shouldn't I?" Estella's eyes flashed. "The Dark Lord assigned me to help you, my fate rests in your success as well." She took in the pale boy's appearance and her gaze softened. Draco looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Dark circles lined his eyes and he was so thing you could see the outline of his ribs. "Draco." She took a step forward. "Let me help you."

"No!" Draco snapped, turning away. "This is my task."

"If you didn't hear me the first time," Estella grew
frustrated again, "this is my task too. And," she paused. "Draco you're not stupid, you know there is more to me than most people know. And let me tell you that whether you like it or not," Estella drew to Penny's full height. "I will be helping you. And it would be much easier if you chose the painless way."

Draco looked at her with an empty gaze before he burst out laughing. Estella looked at him before joining in, their laughter hysterical and uncontrollable.

Eventually Draco sobered and out his head in his hands. "I wasn't trying to hurt her. I just wanted the necklace to get to Dumbledore:"

Estella sighed and carefully sat next to her cousin, placing a hand on his back. "I know Draco, don't blame yourself."

The boy sighed and aimed a kick at the ground. "And I'm supposed to fix this bloody vanishing cabinet to let Death Eaters in when.. when I.. when it happens."

Estella bit her lip and looked at the foreboding piece of furniture. "Draco," her voice grew firm. "Look at me." Finally his pale gaze met hers and her eyes narrowed. "I swear I will keep you safe and we will find a way to do this. But you have to trust me."

Draco narrowed his eyes and there was a pause as he searched her gaze before nodding uncertainly. Estella could tell he didn't have complete trust in her but some was enough. After all, who really trusted anyone these days?

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