Ron's Departure

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"Hush," Harry hissed, motioning to Ron to be quiet. Estella huddled behind a bush as she listened to the group on the other side of the river.

"Are you sure?" Dean Thomas looked flabbergasted.

"Aye," the man called Dirk nodded grimly. "Once Snape caught those students sneaking into his office, he was right furious. Gave them some cruel punishment I heard."

At this Ron swore and Harry and Estella pulled him down as the group looked in their direction.

"Let's get moving," Griphook grunted. The goblin seemed to look exactly where they were hiding. "I don't like this place."

Harry waited until the voices had disappeared out of sight before turning to Ron. "Was that really necessary?"

"You heard what he said?" Ron's ears were pink. "Ginny was tortured!"

Harry sighed, his eyes dark. "You don't know that."

Ron looked about ready to scream as Hermione crawled out from the ditch. "I know someone we can ask."

She pulled out a rather nasty looking portrait after casting a blindfolding charm and Estella bit back a faint laugh. She recognized her distant relative Phineas Nigellius, who had more times than not told her that red hair was atrocious.

"What is the meaning of this!" the portrait demanded. "Remove this awful thing at once."

"Sorry," Hermione whispered, looking quite guilty. 'We can't tell you where we are."

Harry strode forward, much less patient. "What happened to Ginny, Neville, Luna, and the others when they got caught?"

"Oh them?" Phineas snorted unpleasantly. "Snape just told them off a bit and sent on detention with Hagrid, the soft-hearted oaf. Not the right punishment if you ask me."

Estella's shoulders sagged with relief as she felt Ron let out a sigh. She frowned, turning to the others. "Why would they want the Sword of Gryffindor?"

Phineas tried to peer from around the blindfold. "Who's talking? I don't recognize that voice."

Estella bit her lip as Hermione hesitated. "Just a ..friend," the brunette responded quickly.

"Well tell that 'friend' of yours that she should mind her own business," Phineas sniffed. "But while we are on the subject, Goblin metal absorbs whatever enhances it. And I did see Professor Dumbledore break that ring with it."

Estella froze, remembering the Horcrux. Harry and Hermione exchanged excited glances.


"That's enough questions," Phineas snapped. "I'm tired and you're being awfully rude."

With that, the portrait was gone.

Hermione and Harry looked at each other, seeming to communicate silently. Estella felt a stab of jealousy. When had they become so close?

"Harry," Hermione breathed as they walked back into the tent. "The Basilisk.."

"The sword must have absorbed it!" Harry continued, colour returning to his face. "And the venom can kill Horcruxes."

There was a charged pause as Estella observed the pair, feeling desperately excluded as Harry turned to Ron.

"What do you think Ron?"

"About time." Ron stood from where he had been leaning against a pole of the tent. "Don't let me interrupt your little date."

Hermone's mouth fell open. "Ron! We weren't.."

"Don't think I haven't noticed all the secret touches.. All those glances," Ron's mouth twisted unpleasantly. "Maybe you and Harry should just go off together."

"Ron honestly," Harry pushed his way forward hotly. "We're trying our best to find a plan."

"AND WE HAVEN'T GOT ONE," Ron roared, turning over the table. "We have been following you for months with no food or water."

"I didn't ask you to come with me!" Harry retorted, his eyes flashing.

"Well we thought we might be a bit further right now," Ron hissed, his eyes dark.

"Now Ron, that's not exactly fair.."

"Cmon Hermione," Ron turned on the girl. "You said you expected more too."

Hermione flushed deeply. "I only meant.."

"FINE!" Harry drew out his wand. "If you hate it so much, then leave."

Ron took a step back. "Maybe I will."

"Fine!" Harry thrust his wand. "The sooner the better."

"Ron!" Hermione's voice was small. "Give me the locket."

Estella's eyes widened as she took note of the hain around his neck. "She's right."

Ron spun to face her. "And what would you know? You're a Death Eater and I still don't know why we have to trust you. What have you done so far but been an extra mouth to feed?"

Estella flinched as neither Harry or Hermione spoke up to defend her. She reminded herself that they didn't know who she was.

Ron threw up his hands in surrender. "At least you're listening to sense now." He ripped the chain off from around his neck and tossed it to Harry. "It's all yours."

Estella ran after him, grabbing his robes. "Ron.."

With a swift turn, both of them disappeared into the darkness.

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now