Draco's Decision

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Estella strode into Draco's room, her eyes filled with amusement. "Draco you won't believe what I.." she paused as she laid sight on the boy.

Draco was busy stuffing a trunk with random objects, and his room was in a state of disorder Estella had never seen. In the midst, Draco was hunched over on the ground, his white hair greasy and uncombed.

"What's going on?" Estella picked her way through the piles of clutter and clothes before kneeling beside her cousin. "You know we aren't returning to school." Draco's parents had kept him at the manor, afraid to let their son out of their sight and they had requested she stay with him so he wouldn't be alone.

Draco lifted a letter slightly and Estella recognized Tracy's handwriting. "Her parents have decided to run from the Dark Lord, and they've all gone into hiding." He let out a puff of air as he slammed his head back on his bed. "He's going to find them."

"No he's not," Estella stood and when Draco had no recognition, she grabbed his shoulders. "NO. He's not. We won't let that happen."

Draco let out a hollow laugh. "And how do you expect us to stand a chance against the darkest wizard of all time?"

"Because darkness always has a weakness," Estella murmured, smoothing Draco's bedspread. She frowned. "I know how much you care about Tracy and so do I. We will make sure she comes out of this safe."

Draco hardly heard the last part, he sat up with an urgent gaze. "You know of the Dark Lord's weakness?"

"Draco!" Estella hissed, looking around nervously. "You should be more careful." Lowering her voice further, she continued. "Harry and the others are on the hunt for his Horcruxes."

Draco frowned, his eyes wary. "How do you know that?"

Estella bit her lip guiltily as she smoothed the bedsheets. "Harry told me and I.."

Draco let out an emotionless chuckle. "I don't believe it." He stood, looking at Estella accusingly. "Here you are lecturing me about going after Tracy, and you're still pining after Scarhead!"

Estella flinched and Draco's eyes widened.

"You were never on our side." The boy ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "No, HIS side." Draco turned his back on Estella, pausing as his voice trembled. " Well, I refuse. I don't care if I die anymore." Draco stuffed his robe into the small case.

"Draco!" Estella shook her head, fighting a wave of panic. "You can't just leave.."

"YES I CAN!" Draco's eyes flashed as a drip of sweat trickled down the side of his forehead. "You know what Penny? You're a bloody coward."

"STOP!" Estella cried, raising her wand. "You don't know what I have had.."

"To do?" Draco shook his head with a humorless laugh. "I had to kill our headmaster. So forgive me for not being more sensitive."

"YOU DON'T KNOW" Estella's hand shook as she whipped her wand out, her lip trembling. Blood rushed to her face as Draco raised his hands in mock surrender.

"What are you gonna do, Pen? Kill me?" Draco shook his head. "Have at it."

There was a tense moment as Estella stared into the boy's cold gaze. Draco's eyes widened in horror.

"Your eyes," he hissed.

Estella saw her reflection in the glass cabinet. Scarlet covered her eyes and she felt a flood of shame as she slowly lowered her wand. She examined the floorboards, unable to look in Draco's eyes. "I'm sorry."

"What is wrong with you?" Draco hissed, grasping his own wand.

There was a charged pause, as Estella refused to respond.

Draco let out an annoyed sigh. "Whatever, I don't care. You have your secrets, I tried to have mine but you always seem to get in the way."

Estella finally looked up with a small smile. "I'm only trying.."

"To protect me?" Draco gave a wry grin. "Hate to burst your bubble, Blackwood. But you're doing a horrid job. Now," he turned back to his unfinished suitcase. "You can either come with me and actually do something useful, or continue to pout in your room."

Estella snorted indignantly. "I have not.." she caught herself at Draco's annoyed glance. "Fine." She sat once more on the bed. "But we have to wait a couple days, we need to prepare." She paused, looking at Draco in amusement. "Never thought you were the hero type."

Draco snorted and didn't look up from his packing. "Oh please. I never said I wanted to be a hero. If I have a fraction of Potter's luck I'll be fine,' he turned to her with a scowl. "The amount of times your precious idiot has survived with his stupidity is a miracle."

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