Reunion of Mother and Daughter

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Estella startled at the knock on her door and she quickly pulled her sleeve down across the dark mark. It still stung and she still couldn't quite believe that it was real. As she made her way over to open the door, it was flung open and there stood a very irritated Snape.

"What took you so long?" he snapped.

Estella raised an eyebrow. "Surely you can spare a bit of patience."

Her professor simply glared at her. "I feel no sympathy Blackwood. You made this decision." He swiftly strode into her room, his cape dragging on the floor. "However I must admit the Dark Lord was impressed with how little you show pain. You are on the way to becoming one of his most trusted."

"Like you?" Estella joked halfheartedly. They were both traitors.

Snape didn't seem amused and he just shook his head. "Now is not the time. Now has your mother come to see you yet?" Estella knew by his look that he meant her true mother, Bellatrix.

"No," she admitted. "Which has surprised me."

"Bella has been busy with several tasks, she immediately has become his most devoted servant once again." Snape looked at Estella firmly. "But she will be here to see you sooner than later and you must maintain your cover."

"Haven't I always?" Estella responded dryly, smoothing the black lace of her dress.

Snape's eyes narrowed. "Do not let yourself be caught off guard. She is your mother, but she lost her soul a very long time ago."

A few days later, there was a firm knock on Estella's door and she stiffened. With a feeling of dread in her stomach she pushed herself off the bed and opened the door. As she suspected Bellatrix stood in all her glory, her eyes as wild was ever.

"Estella!" she hissed and raised her arms.

Estella flinched and took a step back warily, feeling a stab of surprise when her mother enveloped her in a harsh hug.

"M.. mother?" she experimented with the word on her tongue, not sure how she felt, only knowing she needed to convince Bellatrix she was on Voldemort's side.

Bellatrix froze at the word and Estella began to worry when a single tear streaked down her mother's cheek, followed by several more.

"I'm so sorry," she whimpered. "I thought you were going to hurt the Dark Lord on his quest for power.. and then I couldn't bring myself to harm you.. and I was weak. All he wanted was my loyalty but you were my daughter.."

Estella patted her mother's back uncertainly, trying to find the right words for the absurd scene. "Well you didn't kill me.."

"And now here you are on our side, sharing in the glory at last!" Bellatrix exclaimed, pulling away, the tears drying on her face. "I'm so proud Estella."

Estella gritted her teeth bitterly, how long she had wanted to hear those words. But certainly not for following Voldemort and had Bellatrix known her daughter was a traitor, Estella was certain her reaction would be very different.

Bellatrix examines her room with a critical eye. "Amelie has taken care of you quite well. I would have given you a little more extravagance, but she was always the more sensible type." Bellatrix let out a little giggle and Estella shivered, she had never imagined this side of her mother. "Oh Estella," a wild grin spread across Bella's features. "We're going to have such fun."

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