Guilty Christmas

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Estella sat at the table at 12 Grimmauld Place, feeling empty. Sirius was belting Christmas music at the top of his lungs and waking a bottle of firewhiskey in the air, generously pouring every glass available. Fred and George were discussing new ideas for their shop, much to the displeasure of Mrs. Weasley. Estella has heard their place was quite fantastic but as her summer had been quite busy, she had never been.

Reaching for one of the glasses Sirius had filled, Estella reached forward and gulped down its contents, feeling her stomach burn. She had lost count of how many she had had at this point, but the heat seemed to take away the pain if only for an instant. The image of the despair in the man's eyes had not left her.


She looked up to see Fred beaming at her. "I was just telling Harry he better be careful. Our sale of love positions has gone up lately and I've been hearing his name often."

Estella forced a smile on her face. "Then I'd better inspect his drinks from now on."

"I mean I don't think you'll be needing any love potion," Fred winked at her mischievously. "You seem to turn Potter on just fine."

Harry turned bright red as he spat out his Butterbeer.

"Fred!" Hermione cried as Ginny looked quite uncomfortable. "Honestly!"

Fred shrugged, looking pleased with himself. "Just pointing out the facts, Mione. Ron seems to be doing just fine as well. According to Ginny he has recently taken up the sport of face sucking."

"Blimey!" Ron hissed, his ears pink. "Lower your voice will you?"

"So you don't deny it," George leaned forward. "I feel sorry for whatever poor soul you imprisoned."

"Or who's imprisoned him," Hermione muttered under her breath.

Estella would have pointed this out, but the empty feeling was still there so she grabbed another glass of Firewhiskey and raised it to her lips.

"Penny!" She froze at Hermione's indignant voice. "How many is that?"

Estella felt everyone's eyes on her so she forced a cheerful smile. "Who's counting?" She poured the drink down her throat.

"I didn't know you were such a heavy drinker Penny," Remus looked at her warily and she felt a sinking feeling. It was harder to pretend around him.

"It's the holidays," she grinned, raising an eyebrow mischievously. The ex professor didn't seem convinced, but Estella was glad when he let the topic go.

"Well," Sirius danced to the head of the table, wearing a Santa cap and carrying an extraordinarily large turkey. "Although I am great, the occasion can't be too.. serious.." there were a few chuckles and eye rolls. "And it would certainly be a crime to waste Molly's excellent cooking. Dig in!"

Estella put a few treacle tarts on her plate and poked at them. It had been only a week and she still struggled to eat or sleep. She knew she had to get used to it, who knows how long she'd have to play this role. After all, Severus had done it for 16 years.

After dinner, everyone passed around their gifts. Estella smiled at the new Weasley sweater Molly had made for her and laughed at Fred and George's edible snakes.

"I just want to say thank you," Sirius raised a glass towards Estella. "I didn't know if a Slytherin could be trusted, but I was wrong. Without this snake I wouldn't be here today. Here's to looking beyond the stereotype."

Everyone raised their glasses and Estella felt her cheeks burn. Maybe it was an after effect of the firewhiskey, but she couldn't control the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

"Are you alright Penny?" Hermione frowned.

"Yes," Estella's voice croaked. "Excuse me, I just need to.." as soon as she stood, her head felt heavy and she swayed dangerously. Harry stood quickly and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Are you okay?" he murmured, worry glistening in his eyes.

"Yes," Estella smiled faintly. "I'm sorry, I think the Firewhiskey is hitting me." She turned to the table. "If you'll excuse me I think I need to rest. Thank you Sirius, your words were beautiful."

Harry didn't let her go as they exited the kitchen and Estella leaned against the wall outside her room, rubbing her forehead.

"What's going on?" Harry looked at her searchingly.

"I..," Estella paused. "Things have been rough at home. It's nothing I can't handle," she interrupted quickly as Harry opened his mouth. "I just need some time."

Harry nodded, a small frown still etched on his features. "I err.." he reached into his pocket. "Your Christmas gift. I didn't want Fred or George to give you a hard time."

Estella smiled at the poor wrapping job.

"I know it's not the best," Harry rubbed his neck. "But you should see Ron's gifts."

Estella giggled, instantly feeling guilty. "No it's perfect." She gently pulled apart the parchment and her mouth dropped. It was a glass orb and inside her moving pictures. She looked closer and smiled. They were ones of her, Harry, Hermione, and Ron from various events over the years. "Harry," she looked up with tears glittering in her eyes. "Thank you."

"No problem," Harry grinned apologetically. "I better get back down. Ron wanted me to beat him at Wizard's Chess."

Estella snorted. "I'm sure." Her eyes didn't leave Harry's gaze as she leaned forward, placing her lips on his. It was a gentle kiss, and she pulled back quickly. "Thank you."

Harry smiled before he went back downstairs. Estella watched his retreating figure before she sighed, placing the crystal orb on her dresser and wiping her cheeks fear of tears. Never drink so much firewhiskey again Estella, she chided herself. It makes you a bloody mess.

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