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Estella bit her lip as she looked at the latest educational decree. Umbridge had banned all groups and clubs and she was worried that someone had told about Harry's class.

"Penny!" Hermione rushed into the Great Hall behind her and looked at her carefully. "Do you know if someone told?" Her gaze scanned Estella's forehead mysteriously and Estella frowned as Harry and Ron came up behind her.

"No, did someone?"

"I don't think so," Hermione shook her head. "I would've been able to tell."

Estella's eyes widened and Hermione took a step back. "You jinxed the paper, didn't you?"

"Well yes.." Hermione looked slightly ashamed.

"And you thought I would tell?" Estella narrowed her eyes.

"No, of course not," Hermione hurriedly cut in, looking flustered. "We signed the paper as well."

"Well no," Estella shook her head, "I'm not a sneak."

"We've had to be even more careful lately," Harry cut in, still avoiding her gaze. "Umbridge almost caught Sirius in the fire. She's watching everything."

Estella bit her lip, shaking her head. "I don't understand how she's in the Ministry."

"Neither do I, the toad's bloody mad," Ron shook his head in disgust.

"But," Harry began, looking relieved. "We did find a place for the meetings."

"Oh!" Estella looked up in interest. "Where?"

"It's called the Room of Requirement."

Estella joined in behind Neville and Luna as they entered the hidden room. She was amazed that none of her parent's books had ever mentioned a Room of Requirement. It was perfect, having everything they needed to practice. Harry gathered the students in the center of the room and nodded.

"Well," Hermione began from where she stood next to him. "We should vote on a group leader."

"Well Harry obviously," Fred raised his hand. "All in favor of the Chosen One?"

"He does have a dashing scar on his head," George added, pretending to swoon.

Estella snorted and raised her hand in the air. Noticing Zacharias Smith's hesitancy, she raised an eyebrow and he sighed, begrudgingly raising his hand.

"Well that's unanimous," Hermione nodded, satisfied.

"We do need a name," Harry put in. "Any suggestions?"

"How about the Defense Association?" Cho Chang piped up, looking at Harry.

"DA is good," Ginny looked thoughtful. "How about Dumbledore's Army? Since the Ministry is so afraid of it."

"Perfect," Estella grinned and Ginny shot her a pleased look.

"DA it is." Hermione wrote the name on the parchment they had signed carefully.

"Excellent," Harry attached it to the wall before he turned around. "Now for the first lesson today we are going to start with the Disarming charm."

"What?" Zacharias Smith complained. "That's so basic. I thought I was actually going to learn something."

"The basic charm saved me from Voldemort last year," Harry retorted hotly. Estella stiffened at the memory as he continued. "If you want to leave, you're free to go."

Zacharias grumbled under his breath, but didn't say anything else.

Harry nodded and looked around. "Now if you.. umm could split into pairs please, we can start practicing. I'll walk around and try and help."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now