Umbridge's Downfall

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Estella set down her quill with a sigh, finally finishing the ridiculous essay Umbridge assigned. She had been worse ever since Fred and George Weasley has caused an uproar, breaking out their brooms and leaving the school. Estella smiled as she thought of all their pranks that still remained around the castle.

"You going to the game?" Tracy's voice distracted her from her reflection.

"What?" Estella looked up and then nodded her head. "Yeah, of course."

"Good," Tracy gave her a playful shove. "With all these OWLs you've been a total recluse. It's time to get your social life back."

Estella rolled her eyes with a snort. "Hardly," she sighed. "Is Draco still singing that awful song about Ron?"

"Weasel is Our King?" Tracy shook her head, throwing her bag over her shoulder as they made their way down to the pitch. "I think so. You're so sensitive, it's just a bit of fun."

"He takes it a bit too far though," Estella argued, wrapping her scarf around her neck.

Tracy clapped as the crowd roared, a sea of green pressing among them. "You're too soft."

Estella shifted her books in her arm as she made her way to her Arithmancy exam with Hermione. The nervous bubble in her stomach had disappeared at Hermione's latest story.

"Hagrid has a half brother that's a giant?"

"Yes. Grawp," Hermione sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"What's he going to do now that Hagrid's been sacked?" she asked, eyes wide.

At the Astronomy exam last week, Umbridge had attacked Hagrid's Hut. When Professor McGonagall has tried to stop the brawl, she had taken the heat of multiple Stunning curses and was currently in St Mungos.

"Harry and I have to take care of him," Hermione lowered her voice as they entered the quiet classroom. "I have no idea what to do."

Estella bit her lip, worrying the fabric of her robes. "I'm not Harry, but I have a feeling all this is going to lead to an end very soon."

Hermione narrowed her eyes, stepping in line. "Then we have to make sure it goes our way."


Estella turned around from where she sat in the empty dormitory. She had been worrying about Harry, who had had a nightmare during the History of Magic exam, but had been escorted out before she could talk to him.

"Umbridge's got Harry," Tracy panted, brushing sweaty hair from her forehead.

Estella leaped to her feet, eyes wide. "What?"

"Apparently he broke into Umbridge's office and Draco said he had to go catch him."

Estella nodded and darted toward the door. "Thanks Trace." Not wanting to waste a moment, she sprinted upstairs towards Umbridge's classroom, where she promptly pressed open the door and leaned against the closed door of the Headmasters office, listening.

"He's got Padfoot!" she heard Harry cry. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

Estella frowned. She knew that was Sirius's codename, was he in the Department of Mysteries?

"I have no idea."

She jumped back behind the door as it was thrust open by Snape. He didn't notice her as he quickly strode out of the room.

"Well then," Umbridge sounded impatient, things were not going her way. "If no one will talk, the Cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue."

"NO!" Hermione cried as she struggled against Pansy.

"You witch," Ron bellowed, looking furious.

"Yes," Umbridge tutted, placing a picture of Fudge upside down, as if he was watching. "I suppose I am. What the minister doesn't know won't hurt him. Just like those dementors."

Estella's eyes widened as Harry looked up in shock. "YOU sent those?"

Umbridge smiled sweetly, her eyes flashing. "You're a troublesome boy Potter." She raised her wand and Estella stiffened. "You must learn some discipline."

Right before Estella revealed herself, Hermione stopped her with a wail.

"Harry just tell her," the girl began to cry, looking ashamed. "We.. we're trying to contact Dumbledore. His weapon is ready you see."

Umbridge stared in surprise, her mind spinning behind her beady eyes. "What weapon?"

Hermione sobbed as she replied. "It's in the forest."

Umbridge straightened and raised her wand, "take me to see it."

Estella shrank back as Harry and Hermione walked out of the office, Umbridge pointing a wand at their backs. To her relief, Harry glanced back, his eyes widening as he saw her. Estella raised a finger to her lips and motioned with her hand, indicating she was going to free the rest of them. Harry nodded and mouthed at her to be careful before disappearing through the doorway.

"What shall I do with you now Weaselbee?" Draco sneered, fiddling with his wand. "I can think of quite a few options."

"Oops," Neville looked up as a handful of sweets fell from his pocket.

Estella's eyes widened as she recognized their packaging. Crabbe and Goyle eagerly bent down and stuffed the colored sweets into their mouths. Instantly their faces grew red and they began to throw up on the pink carpet.

Draco jumped back, clutching to his robes in revulsion. "You idiots!"

"Stupefy!" Estella spun out from her hiding spot and Millicent Bulstrode fell to the ground. As she scanned the room, her eyes widened on the brunette in Slytherin robes. "Tracy? How did you get here so fast?"

Her friend looked down, shame flashing in her eyes.

"Trace is a member of the Inquisitorial Squad. She knows where her true loyalties lie," Draco sneered, raising his wand. "Unlike you."

"Stupefy," Estella waved her wand but Draco blocked the curse easily.

"Is that all you've got Blackwood?" he drawled. "Oscausi!"

Estella ducked before she retaliated. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Draco snorted as he dodged the spell. "Casting simple jinxes are we?" He raised his wand. "I thought your parents would have taught you better. Confringo!"

Estella held her wand tightly as her eyes widened. "Protego!" She cried, shielding the room. She looked at the pale boy angrily. "You could destroy the whole tower!"

Draco narrowed his eyes dangerously. "What's it to you?"

"Colloshoo!" Estella look her chance and the hex hit Draco in the side. The boy swung in his spot, unable to move his feet.

"You'll pay for this," he sneered, looking murderous.

Before he could cast another curse, Estella raised her wand. "STUPEFY!" The boy froze in his spot, still unable to fall backward.

Estella looked around with satisfaction and her eyes widened at the sight. Bats were flying from the noses of the Slytherins and they yelped in fear.

Ron grinned as he straightened. "Ginny's Bat Bogey Hex. Ruddy nasty."

Estella smiled at the small redhead, giving the youngest Weasley a nod. "Excellent." Her eyes fell on Tracy and she grimaced. "Can you undo the curse on her?"

Ginny looked uncertain but after seeing the pleading look on Estella's face, she nodded and the bats ceased to come out of Tracy's nose. With a last look at her friend, Estella caught up with Luna and Neville and the five made their way out of the castle and into the forest.

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