Snape and Career Advice

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Estella miserably sat in the courtyard, textbook open in her lap. Ever since Dumbledore had left mysteriously a few weeks ago, conditions at the school had been awful. Umbridge was now Headmistress and prowled the halls, looking for someone to lay her talons upon. Fred and George had been a much needed laugh as their pranks hindered her terrible reign.


She looked up to see Harry walked toward her, a disturbed expression on his face.

"Harry?" She jumped up, pushing her book to the side. "What's wrong?"

"I think my lessons with Snape are over," Harry collapsed with a sigh and rested his head against the trunk of the tree.

Estella sat down next to him and frowned. "What happened?"

"I went into his memories," Harry explained with a frown. "Apparently my dad was a real git in school. He and Sirius bullied Snape one day and jinxed him and everything." He sighed, pushing up his glasses. "My mother tried to defend Snape and he got angry and called her a Mudblood."

Estella inhaled sharply and bit her lip. "What happened after that?"

"She never really forgave him," Harry ran a hand through his hair, but then stopped himself. "Said my dad wasn't much better though."

Estella shook her head and leaned against him slightly. "I'm sure James was a wonderful person Harry, even with his faults. And it seems Snape isn't all bad either," she admitted. "He still had feelings and your dad was extremely immature. He obviously grew out of it," she squeezed his hand. "Or Lily wouldn't have married him."

"Yeah," Harry frowned, still looking unhappy. "I would never have acted that way."

"You also grew up in different circumstances Harry," Estella pointed out. "Your father was rather spoiled and used to having things be easy. You have had it so much harder. But," her gaze clouded over. "It's taught you so much already."

The was a pause as they looked over the grass, shadows falling across the green as the sun dipped behind the castle.

"Yeah, it has."

Harry's words lay in the air heavily. And Estella shook her head. "So no more Occlumency lessons?"

Harry snorted, "Not unless you want Snape to murder me."

Estella grinned slightly. "I think Hermione will already do that when she finds out."

Estella grudgingly walked toward Snape's office, dreading this meeting. All fifth years had career meetings with their heads of house and, of course, Umbridge.

She pushed open the heavy door and had to keep from laughing. Snape sat with his lip curled unpleasantly, his robes blending with the darkness of the dungeon, while Umbridge sat, looking infuriatingly smug in her pink sweater.

"Miss Blackwood, do come in," she chirped.

Estella braced herself and took a reluctant seat in the chair across from them.

"Now," Snape drawled, looking bored. "I'm supposed to guide you in your future dreams, so just spit out what you'd like to do."

"Now Severus," Estella had to hold in her laughter at Snape's repulsed face. Umbridge didn't seem to notice as she continued. "We must be strong figures of example and show the children the right way. Miss Blackwood and I, though she's had some difficulties, have come to understand each other. Isn't that right?"

Estella smiled, her eyes flashing darkly. "Most definitely."

Snape looked at her reaction in interest as he sat forward, shifting as far as possible from the pink toad next to him.

Estella was eager to get this over with and leave the suffocating office. "I was thinking about pursuing a career in Quidditch." This was a quick and easy answer, one Umbridge couldn't criticize too much.

"Really?" The witch sniffed, scribbling something on a piece of parchment. "To my understanding, you've never played."

"I practice at home," Estella explained shortly, feeling Snape's gaze flicker around the walls with disinterest.

"I see," Umbridge sighed as she looked at a folder. "Well for that occupation, you needn't worry about your exams, I'm afraid. I do suggest," she looked up sharply. "You might follow your parents footsteps and work at the Ministry."

Estella wrinkled her nose at the thought of being stuck behind a desk.

"If your attitude continues to improve," Umbridge smiled, baring her teeth. "You might prove to be of use."

"Ah but I thought you didn't like my parents," Estella raised an eyebrow as she stood and pushed her chair back. "Said they were dark if I recall."

Snape shot her a warning look as Umbridge tightened her stubby fingers around the quill. "That," she simpered "can be an asset."

Estella shoved down the surprise and revulsion rising in her stomach and turned swiftly out of the office, into the dungeons. Breathing heavily, she pressed herself against the wall. The mad toad was worse than she thought.

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