Explanations and Arguments

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Estella raised her hand to knock on the doorframe when her mother called out to her.

"Come in."

Estella walked in hesitantly to see her mother nursing a glass of wine. Tensions had been high ever since she had seen her mother's memories of Lucius. Her mother had even gone to far lengths to avoid her and came back from each Death Eater meaning looking more pale and haggard.

"It's time to head to the station," Estella began carefully, her heels clicking against the tile.

"I suppose it is," Amelie muttered, glancing at the clock on the fireplace mantle.

There was a moment of awkward silence before Estella turned and began to leave.

"Wait." Her mother called her to a halt and leaned forward on the seat. "Sit down."

Estella gingerly look a seat on the iron framed chair next to the sofa, holding her breath.

"What I am about to say," Amelie fixed her with a stare. "I will only say once and you are never to talk about it again. Understand?"

Estella nodded firmly, clenching her fingers. She had an idea of where this was going.

Amelie closed her eyes bitterly. "My family, the Blackwoods, were descended from one of the pure bloodlines. Until my grandfather fell in love with a Muggleborn at school. From then on, our bloodline was tarnished and our name not as powerful. When I was eight, I met Lucius Malfoy. He was charming and we grew quite close over the years. After fifth year.." Amelie paused, tracing the rim of her glass. "We started to date, in secret of course, because his family would never approve of anything less than completely pure. His seventh year, Lucius decided to take the mark." Her hand clenched so tightly around the glass, Estella feared it would break. "I saw him on occasion after that. And of course when he married Narcissa, my best friend's sister."

Estella watched with wide eyes, letting silence settle over the room before she leaned against her adoptive mother.

"You know I'm not really married to Albert?" Amelie admitted, her eyes hard. "I believe you will know his story one day but we aren't in love. Never have been."

Estella's mouth dropped as the room began to spin. "What?"

"Pick yourself up Estella," her mother sighed, standing stiffly. "I know more than anybody what it's like to continue through the pain."

Estella quickly walked through the train to the Gryffindors compartment and collapsed into an empty seat. She opened her eyes as Harry shuffled in, look startled to see her.

"Oh hey Penny."

"Hey," Estella sat up and looked behind him with a frown. "Where's Hermione and Ron?"

"They're prefects," Harry grumbled, collapsing in the seat across from her.

"Really?" Estella looked up in surprise. "I completely forgot that was this year:"

"Yeah," Harry muttered, rubbing his scar moodily.

"You alright Harry?" Estella looked at him curiously.

"Why didn't you answer any of my letters?" Harry looked at her accusingly. "I sent a few and I was in the dark all summer."

"Oh Harry," Estella bit her lip. "My parents wouldn't let me..."

"You couldn't have sent one?" Harry frowned, heat in his gaze.

Estella looked down and fiddled with her cloak hem. "I might've Harry.. it was just too risky.."

"You do realize that I was attacked by Dementors over the summer right? They almost killed my cousin," Harry spat, his temper flaring. "I almost got expelled. Is that risky enough for you?"

Estella's mouth dropped open and she shook her head. "I'm so sorry Harry, are you okay?"

Harry stood, glaring. "You obviously don't care that much to even wonder what I was doing. What about the rest of us? You don't care do you."

"HARRY!" Estella snarled, her patience breaking. "I have explained that I wasn't ALLOWED. I have no idea what you went through but you don't know what my situation is either so stop acting like you're the hero of the world. Breaking news but you're not the only one suffering."

She paused and looked at Harry, who looked taken aback. Estella shook her head. "I'm sorry Harry, that was rude." She collapsed in her seat, rubbing her temple.

"No," Harry took a step forward. "My tempers been rather nasty lately." He closed his eyes as he rested his head against the seat. "I've been having worse dreams."

Estella frowned. "Is it your scar again?"

Harry nodded and rubbed his forehead angrily. "I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. No one believes he's back."

Estella narrowed her eyes as she adjusted her trunk. "Oh I believe you."

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