Draco's Refuge

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Estella stood, blinking in the dusk light. They were in a deeply wooded forest and little light escaped through the branches. A howl sounded in the distance and she spun around as she heard Hermione gasp.


Ron lay, shaking on the floor of leaves as his arm lay played at his side. His shoulder was opened in a wide gash as blood trickled from the edges.

Draco swore under his breath. "Must have been grabbed while we disapparated."

Hermione dug through her bag with frantic hands as Estella kneeled down next to Ron. Muttering a few words under her breath, the bleeding eased slightly as Ron's breathing deepened.

She kept her eye on the wound while scooting over for Hermione. "Do you have Dittany?" She was careful to maintain a low tone, changing her voice to a deeper sound.

Hermione nodded, her hands shaking as she undid the stopper. "I'm so sorry Ronald," tears glimmered in her eyes. She carefully squeezed a few drops of the substance on his shoulder. Ron winced as steam rose into the air, but as it disappeared, the wound scabbed over and Ron passed out.

Draco wrinkled his nose in disgust. Hermione stood quickly, raising blood-covered hands, and began to cast protective enchantments.

"Oh lay off Granger," Malfoy shook his head. "I told you this place was safe. Your spells are useless."

"Leave her alone," Harry stood in the way, his eyes flashing. "How are either of us supposed to believe what you say? You're a Death Eater."

Malfoy flinched slightly, but he remained aloof. "Potter, some of us don't have the fortune of being an easy hero like you." He drew himself up to his full height. "Call it being a coward, but some of us don't go screaming into danger."

Hermione's eyes widened as she got a better look at Estella, whose disguise had worn off. "Stupefy!"

Estella narrowly dodged the curse and raised her hands in surrender.

Harry raised his wand to her throat. "Bellatrix."

Estella felt her stomach sink as he had no flicker of recognition in his eyes. "No," she whispered.

"Wait!" Hermione stepped forward, her eyes narrowed. "Harry, I think it's her daughter. The one we saw on the Daily Prophet."

Draco shook his head from where he had his wand raised. "Yeah it is, and she's on your side, as warned by the Death Eaters who run that paper. So can we just go inside?"

The other three stiffened at his words. Estella frowned. "Draco we are in the middle of the woods."

The Slytherin rolled his eyes, turning away. "That's so idiots like you don't know it's here." He raised his wand. "Granger, you know what a Fidelius Charm is? Potter I know you do."

Hermione watched with pursed lips as Draco turned, a smile twisting his mouth. "This was supposed to be my refuge.. Tracy's too actually," he caught himself, his eyes glimmering with a strange emotion. "If nothing else gains your trust Potter, you are all Secret Keepers." He took a step forward.

A small house sprung up in between the trees. It was made of a handsome oak, with faint white shutters. The windows glowed with a warm light and a hammock was strung on the porch.

Draco stared at the scene for a moment before he shook his head, clearing it of his emotion. "Someone needs to give Weasley a piggy-back ride. I'm taking a shower." With that, he strode forward through the doors.

Estella turned to look back at Harry and Hermione, who had conjured up a stretcher for Ron. With a small smile, she stepped up through the door.

The house smelled of cinnamon and green apples, with a faint hint of Tracy's perfume. Estella felt a pang of sadness for her friend. She turned down the hallway, running her fingers gently along the wallpaper. The walls were covered with memories. One scene showed Tracy and Draco dancing at the Yule Ball, Tracy with her eyebrow raised in amusement. Another showed Blaise and Draco copying off of her homework. Estella paused at the next image at the end of the hallway and felt a prick of tears. Her and Tracy beamed wildly at a Quidditch match, wearing Slytherin colors. Estella traced the red hair of Penny, which was dancing in Draco's face. She was trying to put a Gryffindor scarf on Tracy.

Estella turned to see Harry watching her carefully from down the hallway. She forced a smile, feeling her stomach clench. "I'm going to.. er use the loo." She stepped quickly into the bathroom beside the image.

Breathing heavily, she flipped the lights on and gazed into the mirror. She looked like Estella, but she didn't feel like her.

Sighing, Estella turned on the shower and attempted to drown her worries away.

A while later, the four converged back into the living room, Ron still asleep on the couch. Harry stood in the corner, his arms crossed stiffly, while Hermione fiddled with her wand.

"Well," Draco drawled, seeming to have recovered. "I assume you have about a million questions, Granger."

Hermione pursed her lips, a look Estella knew meant she was thinking carefully. "What's your plan now?"

"I'm not staying with you," Draco rebutted quickly. "So don't worry, I won't have to deal with you and Pothead for long."

Harry frowned, his eyes flashing in annoyance. "Then why even help us at all?"

Draco shrugged, looking at Estella. "Ask her."

Estella glared at him, silently cursing him for putting her on the spot. "Well I have been hiding in America," Estella paused, figuring it was easiest to go with the Daily Prophet story. "And I have seen so much now that I want to fight back. Draco and I were nearly captured by Death Eaters and if anyone knows what's going on or has a plan, it's you three."

Hermione studied her carefully, before leaning back. "Well we can't stay here for long."

Estella nodded. "We should all leave by tomorrow. There's not enough time." She looked up in realization. "Did you get the locket?"

Harry shifted back uneasily. "Why?" His emerald gaze swept over hers and Estella suppressed a shiver.

"I just saw you grab it from Umbridge," Estella responded, picking at her robes. "Figured you best not have lost it."

Harry shook his head, running a hand over the necklace protectively.

Draco sat up with a sigh. "Well if that's all, I would rather this awkward meeting over." He stood to leave.

"Wait," Harry took a step forward, his eyes firm. He paused, looking at the back of Draco's head. "Would you have done it? If Snape hadn't been there?"

There was a brief pause as Draco remained motionless. "No."

With that, the boy left the room. Estella sent a final glance at Harry and Hermione before following him into the dark hallway. Draco turned and led her into a sitting room.

"Bloody hell, Estella." He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes dark. "When does it end?"

"We will get there," Estella sighed, flopping into a chair. "Just have.."

"No," Draco interrupted, looking at her angrily. "I mean your lies."

Estella paused, her mouth open. "Wha..what do you mean?"

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" He shook his head. "This whole time you've been moping after Potter, staring at pictures of Granger, even quoting Weaselbee. Now you have the chance to tell them the truth and you just tell them more lies."

Estella felt a wave of indignation and shame rise in her chest. "I'm only trying to protect them.."

"No. You're trying to protect yourself." Draco stood, his eyes flashing. "Do you know what I'd give to have Tracy down there right now? Or have you forgotten about her with your other friends? She's on the run right now and I can only imagine what that's like."

Estella flinched, looking down. "I'm going to go with you," she whispered. There was a pause as Estella raised her head. "I owe Tracy."

Draco eyed her carefully. "About time."

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