Reprimands and Apologies

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"What WERE you thinking?" Amelie hissed as Estella tumbled to the floor of their dining room, scratching her face. She opened her mouth to further lecture her when Estella held up a hand.

"Wait." Estella stood shakily and tried to push her worries for Harry aside. He was with Dumbledore now. "I've already thought this over."

Amelie frowned in disapproval but pursed her lips to hear her adopted daughter's explanation.

"I can be a spy," Estella ran a hand over her temple and grimaced at the blood coating her fingers. "I'll tell the Dark Lord that I've been trying to get close to Harry to learn more about his plans and get information."

Amelie closed her eyes and rubbed her temple as well, sighing. "Estella that sounds nice and all, but do you really think the Dark Lord is going to believe that?"

Estella narrowed her eyes. "Believe me, you've taught me to be quite... persuasive." There was a pause as Estella looked at the ground. "Besides, what other choice do I have?"

Estella walked down the Hogwarts corridor nervously. She had just returned from her home where Albert had told her Harry had been sent back to Hogwarts. Apparently the Ministry was now aware of Voldemort's existence after the battle between him and Dumbledore.

She paused outside the door of the Hospital Wing before she took a breath and strode in. Ron looked up from his bed, still looking slightly dazed. His expression fell to a stoic one however, as he looked at her.


Estella's word echoed in the Hospital Wing and she shook her head. "Look I'm sorry. You know I couldn't have told you about my parents," she bit her lip. "But I didn't betray you and I'm still on your side." The words rang through her mind. Lies. Guilty, she pushed the thought away. She would always be on their side, even if it meant she'd have to play both.

Hermione looked at her with a frown, pale and weak from the curse still. "That's why you stopped hanging out with us second year. Because your parents told you not too."

Estella dipped her head. "Yeah," She fidgeted with her fingers.

"You could've told us you know," Ron looked at her accusingly.

"And what?" Estella sighed. "I had to protect them Ronald. Besides would you have trusted me if I had?"

Ron's discomfort gave away his answer and Estella smiled sadly. "See?" She shook her head and slowly turned to go. "I'm really sorry."

"Penny?" Hermione's voice called her back. The Gryffindor looked at her with a timid smile. "He's with Dumbledore."

Estella smiled weakly at her friend and nodded her head. "Thank you."

Quickly, she made her way through the halls to Dumbledore's office. As she reached the stone gargoyle, she almost ran into someone.

"Sorry," she muttered, rubbing her forehead. Estella looked up to see a familiar boy with a lightning scar, an apologetic look on his face. "Harry!"

"Penny," Harry looked relieved. "You're alright. I thought your parents might.." he caught himself off, looking cautious.

Estella frowned. "Wait, did you know.."

"I heard their names in the graveyard," Harry quickly explained, he shook his head. "You should've told me."

"Yeah," Estella fiddled with a frayed piece of her robe. She looked up. "How are you?"

Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Alright. I just talked to Dumbledore and he had a lot of stuff to tell me. It's just a lot to sink in. And he's been keeping so much from me, I thought I could trust him and I'm beginning to question that."

Estella raised her arms and carefully hugged the boy, resting her head on his shoulder. "Dumbledore is very ambitious and he's trying to play things his way, he thinks more about the outcome than the people sometimes I think."

"Yeah," Harry shook his head. Estella could tell there was something bothering him, but he didn't seem to want to speak. "Thank for saving Sirius," he looked up. "I don't know what I'd do without him."

"I was just there at the right time," Estella bit her lip as she looked down. "I'm glad he's alright."


There was a moment of silence before Estella smiled slightly. "Well I was going to talk to Dumbledore too actually."

"Oh," Harry stepped aside. "Of course."

Estella took a few steps up the stairs before she stopped. "Harry?" The boy turned around quickly and she stepped forward, reaching up and pressing her lips to his. There was a wonderful moment before Estella drew back shakily. "I'm really glad you're okay."

Harry blinked in a daze and grinned weakly. "Yeah, you too."

He sent her a last smile before Estella turned and ascended the stairs into the Headmaster's office.

As she entered, Severus Snape stood up sharply from where he was leaning on Dumbledore's desk.

"What're you doing here Blackwood?" he snapped, composing himself.

Estella looked at the Headmaster nervously, she hadn't really spoken to him but Harry was rather fond of Dumbledore and she figured it was time. His twinkling blue eyes looked at her curiously.

"I'm sorry professor," Estella began, closing her eyes. She let the enchantments covering her appearance fall away. "But I'm not a Blackwood. I'm a Lestrange."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now