The End of Innocence

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Estella stood at the Astronomy Tower, watching in horror. Draco quivered in front of Dumbledore, lightening highlighting his features as his wand shook. Her cousin had made it to the tower before her, much to Bellatrix's disappointment.

"I have to kill you," he stammered.

"Draco don't let him control you," Dumbledore hazed imploringly at the boy. "Fear is a tactic Voldemort knows all too well."

"ENOUGH," Bellatrix hissed, her eyes ablaze. "Draco kill this old man."

"Severus," Dumbledore begged the former Potions master, his blue eyes reflecting in the dark. He turned and looked at Estella. "Please," he whispered.

Estella made no indication she had heard him, but she understood what her headmaster was asking. They must carry on with the plan.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Snape shouted. And with a green flash, Hogwarts' greatest defender flew out the window in a crumpled heap, his white beard spreading out beside him.

Estella held back tears as Dumbledore disappeared from view and the Death Eaters let out a roar of triumph. Their calls promised nothing but their evil intent for the future and she shivered as Bellatrix casted the Dark Mark into the sky.

"Come," Snape led her out of the tower and among the castle halls.

The scene was completely unrecognizable. Not a room was spared from the Death Eater's destruction and shards of glass and stone crunches everywhere Estella stepped. Following Snape, she was halfway through the courtyard when a voice brought her to a halt.


Harry was glaring at her through a haze of anger and tears. Estella couldn't speak, she hadn't expected to see him and she didn't trust her emotions.

"I TRUSTED YOU," the boy shouted, his glasses cracked beyond repair. "You were my friend. And you helped kill Dumbledore." Harry's face twisted with disgust. "I thought I LOVED you but now I see why you never could."

Estella felt each insult like a jab in her stomach. Biting her lip and tasting blood, she looked at Harry with a thousand emotions flickering in her gaze. "Well you were wrong."

She turned away, ignoring Harry's yells. She heard him curse Snape, but she continued walking, knowing she would never keep going if she stopped. With a last look at the ruins of Hogwarts, she turned and disparated, leaving behind her final chance of freedom.

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