Cover Uncovered

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Estella whipped around from where she had been stuffing her purse rapidly to see Amelie standing in the doorway. Her mother's face was dark.

"The Dark Lord has called a meeting."

"Right now?" Estella felt her stomach drop. "But we had one not long ago."

"I know," Amelie surveyed the purse hidden behind her adopted daughter's back. "You better take that with you."

Estella frowned but pocketed the item as she followed her mother down the dark hallways of the Malfoy Manor into the dining room.

A large mass of Death Eaters had gathered already in the center and Estella could tell from their faces, they were just as nervous as she was.

"Ah, I believe that's everyone." Voldemort appeared from around the corner, his eyes gleaming dangerously. He paused in the center of the room, toying with a wand. "It has been brought to my attention that we have a traitor in our midst."

There was a collective intake of breath as Voldemort strode past a couple of cloaked figures, staring into their eyes. He stopped, a sick smile spreading over his face. "Now you are cowards, but you are not the one I am looking for. Oh no.."

At this Bellatrix stepped into the center, her eyes darting dangerously.

"Dear Bella has brought something to my attention."

Estella felt her stomach drop as Voldemort grew closer. No.

Voldemort stopped at her feet and there was a pause as Estella forced herself to look up and meet his eyes.

They were cold and horrible, shining a pale blue in the light. However, courses of ruby ran through the irises as Voldemort continued, drawing a hand up to her chin.

"I do believe Penny here is hiding something from all of us." He paused, letting his fingernails scrape the side of her chin. "You know I don't like liars, Blackwood." Taking a step back, he raised his wand.

There was a blinding flash of light and Estella grasped her wand in panic as she stumbled.

"That's better." Voldemort hissed.

Estella heard gasps from the crowd and she bit her lip in horror as curls tumbled down her chest. Her cover was gone.

"Yes!" Voldemort strode around the room grandly, his rage barely concealed. "I would like you to meet Estella Lestrange." He paused, his eyes scarlet. "Rumored to help defeat me. I know many of you have spread such lies. The prophecy of her and Potter."

Estella flinched as a couple jeers sounded throughout the room. Voldemort seemed satisfied and he strode closer.

"You know the most unfortunate thing?" he paused, his face twisting. "Your own mother chose me over you." He lifted his wand. "Crucio!"

Estella regained her senses as the spell flew toward her and she dove to the side. A couple Death Eaters reached out to grab her, but she snapped her wrist, sending them flying.

Voldemort took a step forward as Estella regained her footing. "Do you really think you stood a chance?"

Estella swallowed, unable to find her voice. Voldemort laughed. "Crucio!"

This time the curse hit her directly in the stomach and Estella couldn't help the scream that escaped her lips. A fire of pain raced through her body and it felt like her bones were shattering.

Estella. Fight it!

Estella looked up as she heard Amelie's voice in her head.

Distract him. Draco and I are coming.

Estella felt a bubble of rage burn inside her and she stood, gritting her teeth.

"Ah, how touching." Voldemort sneered. "She stands."

Estella whipped her wand as another curse came twisting her way, deflecting it quickly. She eyed the stone pillar in the corner of the dining hall, standing dramatically.


The stone shattered and there were several yells as Death Eaters threw themselves out of the range of splintering marble.

Voldemort cast a charm above his head as rubble rained down around him. "Do you really think you stand a chance against me, Estella?"

Estella felt a hand grasp her own as her eyes were blinded by the thick layer of residue in the air. She felt a small wave of relief as her stomach twisted and she opened her mouth.

"Yes, I do."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now