Date in Hogsmeade

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Estella numbly looked at the ceiling of her bed. She had been in a distant state for days, feeling strangely aloof, as if nothing seemed real. Bellatrix was out there. And soon enough, she would be coming for her daughter.

Estella swallowed and flipped over on her pillow. She was not ready to face her mother, and all the conflicts she represented. Bellatrix Lestrange was arguably evil and mad, but there was a piece of Estella that wanted it all to be a mistake. Some sort of twisted misunderstanding.

"Pennyyyyy," Tracy barged through the door whining. "Stop moping and get up." The brunette had taken the recent Azkaban breakout in stride and was back to her fiery self. "Don't you have a date for Valentine's?"

Estella thrust her head under the pillow and scrunched her eyes shut. "Yes."

"You know, if you're going to ignore my advice and go for Potter, the least you could do is act excited about it." Tracy opened Estella's trunk without bothering to ask and started pulling out clothes.

"I am excited," Estella sighed. "But Trace, maybe you're right. I mean why should we live in an illusion? There's awful stuff happening out there that we'll be forced into soon."

Tracy looked at her friend seriously. "Because we should take every free moment we can before it's gone."

Estella pulled on her purple sweater nervously, waiting for Harry. They had agreed to meet at Honeydukes and she had arrived a few minutes early, her nerves getting the best of her. She looked up as the next cloaked figure stepped in and immediately relaxed.

Harry gave her a sheepish grin and brushed the snow from his hair. "Er sorry, had to talk to Hermione."

"That's alright, I was early," Estella grinned, shaking her head. "You look cold."

Harry chuckled nervously, "Not too bad."

"Well I could go for a butterbeer," Estella stepped forward and raised an eyebrow. "Fancy going to the Hog's Head? It's quieter."

"Sounds good," Harry held open the door for her as they stepped out into the snow.

Estella adjusted her scarf with cold fingers as she thought. "How was your Christmas?"

"Well the last bit was brilliant," Harry admitted. "Though I wasn't sure if I was possessed by Voldemort for the first bit there."

"What?" Estella's eyes widened and she paused momentarily.

Harry looked uncomfortable at the ground as his shoes scruffed the snow. "The night Mr. Weasley was attacked, I had a dream. I was in the Department of Mysteries and I saw it happen. And I did it. I was the snake."

Estella frowned as they turned into the old pub. "But it couldn't have been you that did it, the scar is a connection between you and Voldemort, but you can't control each other."

"Yeah," Harry still looked uncertain. "I'm beginning to think it's possible."

Estella grabbed two Butterbeers from the gruff bartender with a thankful glance, handing him two Galleons. She bit her lip as she handed one to Harry.

"You're supposed to let me pay you know," Harry had an amused glint in his eye.

Estella waved her hand and shook her head. "Consider it a present. Have you tried Occlumency?"

Harry stiffened and Estella could tell she touched a nerve. "Yeah Snape's been giving me lessons, it's awful. He hates me."

Estella winced but couldn't suppress the amused smile that grew on her lips. "I couldn't imagine. You could offer me a hundred Galleons and I would never take lessons from the bat." Harry snorted and her face grew uncertain. "I could try and teach you, if you wanted."

Harry looked surprised. "You know how?"

Estella traced of her bottle with her fingertip. "My family wanted me to learn from a young age."

Harry looked like he wanted to say something before he looked outside and pushed his chair back. "Er sorry Penny, but I told Hermione I'd meet her for something at the Three Broomsticks."

Estella raised an eyebrow. "Ditching me on our first date Potter?" At Harry's uncomfortable expression, she grinned and quickly added, "I'm only teasing."

"Oh," Harry breathed, looking relieved. He looked at her carefully. "Would you want to do this again sometime?"

"I'd love to," Estella smiled as he followed her out. Checking her surroundings, she reached up and gave him a swift kiss on the lips. "Go get them hero."

Hidden In The Shadows Part 2- Harry Potter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now