Potions and Flirtations

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Estella set down her potions materials next to Hermione's, curious about how this class would go. They had a new professor: Horace Slughorn, who Harry said was rather odd and vain, but seemed to know what he was doing. Snape had now taken over the DADA position and although her friends were horrified, (Ron had threatened to throw himself from the Astronomy Tower), Estella was secretly pleased. She knew Snape had wanted the job for ages.

"Oi Penny!" Ron exclaimed, sitting down across from her. "Of course you're in Advanced Potions, you're as much of a bookworm as Hermione." He paused. "What did you get on your OWLs? I never asked."

Estella felt a faint blush rising up her cheeks. "I don't know," she responded quickly.

"Bullocks," Ron retorted. "Harry tell your girlfriend to expose her scores."

It was Harry's turn to blush scarlet as he looked up from the Potions book he snagged from Slughorn.

"Ron!" Hermione smacked the redhead with her book. "They aren't together."

"What?" Ron gaped at the two. "I thought surely at this point.. and Harry you.."

"Ron shut up," Harry hissed through gritted teeth.

Estella shook her head and ignored the two as Slughorn began attendance.

"Penny Blackwood?"

She raised her hand as the chubby man beamed with delight.

"Brilliant girl here! Outstandings on all of her OWLs!"

Estella wanted to disappear as everyone turned to stare at her.

"Excellent my dear," Slughorn chortled as he walked away. "I expect great things."

"I don't remember she says," Ron mocked. "Only all Os!"

"Be quiet Bilius."

Ron turned silent at Estella's use of his middle name and Estella turned her attention to the Draught of Living Death. It was no easy concoction and required her full attention.

Halfway through she looked up and her eyes widened in surprise, Harry's looked exactly the same as hers, perhaps even a bit better.

"What did you do Potter?" her jaw dropped.

"He's not following the rules!" Hermione grumbled before returning back to her cauldron, her hair flying all directions.

Estella raised a quizzical eyebrow at Harry and he shifted a little, exposing his potions book, which was scribbled with extra instructions and edits to the recipe.

Estella smirked. "You cheat," she teased. She sensed Hermione's disapproval, but couldn't bring herself to be angry. After everything she was preparing for, school seemed rather pointless.

"I'm just following the instructions," Harry replied innocently, grinning.

Estella snorted and turned back to her potion, which was starting to bubble.

At the end of class Slughorn stopped by the cauldrons, muttering his approval or tips for improvement. At her cauldron he beamed.

"Excellent Blackwood, very nice." However at Harry's, he stopped entirely. "Merlin's beard Potter this is perfect!" He dropped a leaf into the potion and it shriveled instantly. "One drop could kill us all!"

Ron and Estella exchanges an amused glance as Hermione let out a growl of frustration. Slughorn handed Harry the reward of a vial of Felix Felicis and they walked out of the classroom.

"Oh cheer up Mione," Estella teased. "I'm sure you can beat him next time."

"He's cheating!" Hermione exclaimed hotly. "And if you had any sense you'd tell him to turn the ruddy book in." With that she flounced off.

Estella looked at Harry and Ron and there was a pause before they burst out laughing. "Well you heard her Harry," Estella grinned. "You're under arrest for tyranny."

Harry shrugged in mock surrender. "I've been found out."

As Ron walked a little ahead of them, Estella stood on her toes and leaned toward Harry secretively. "Though I must say, you make a very cute Potions Master."


Estella narrowed her eyes, examining those on the Quidditch Pitch. Harry was captain this year and had to pick his team.

"Stalking out the competition?" Hermione teased as Estella's eyes landed on Ginny's scarlet form.

"No," Estella answered truthfully. "Just curious."

"For your information," Hermione looked up from the book she was reading. "Ginny likes you very much. She's always had a crush on Harry, and it's hard for her to let go of."

Estella shifted in her seat, feeling uncomfortable. "I see." Really, was it right for her to keep Ginny from Harry when the chances of them ending up together were so unlikely?

Hermione snorted, taking Estella's discomfort as nerves. "Harry only has eyes for you obviously, which I think makes it easier for her to move on."

Estella smiled weakly and eager to change the subject, she turned and faced her friend. "And what of Ronald?"

Hermione went scarlet and she buried her face in her textbook. "I have no idea what you're referring to."

"Oh please," Estella snorted. "Don't think I didn't notice you confunded McLaggen."

Hermione mumbled something under her breath and Estella smirked in victory as she turned her attention back to the pitch.

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