Chapter 47

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Spring is here, the different birds chirping, the trees starting to blossom and Will panting in heat.

He woke up with a boner assuming it was morning wood, little did he expect it to not go down or not be something he can even relieve.

Mike was already gone to work, he works as the manager of the grocery store which Will was happy about, but at this moment, he needed Mike to come home now.

Kiara allowed him to stay home since she found another part timer to work in the shifts Will couldn't and on the weekends.  Which Will was very grateful for, since he didnt have any pills that could suppress his heat and masturbating wasnt working.

He tried jerking off, fingering himself, using the vibrator, humping the bed, nothing relieving the poor boy from his hard on.

His heat this year was more intense than he expected.  Yes it was usually bad, yes he always felt like he needed to go and get off with someone, but this time he needed someone to come to him, and he felt so desperate to have Mike, the thought of the ravenette made more precum dribble from his member's tip.

He let's out a needy whine as he placing he vibrator on the tip of his member,  it felt good but not good enough.  He huffs out of frustration as he sits up on the bed, his member dripping generous amounts of precum.

He checks the clock beside the bed, two more hours, he couldn't wait he wanted Mike now.

Will gets off the bed, holding onto the bed for leverage incase his legs decided to not work, his member still hard as ever, touching the hem of Wills sweater as he walks, the small touches making him more and more aroused, another animalistic needy whine leaves his lips as he walks out into the living room.

Winter, their fluffy black cat looks up from being perched on her cat tree she scampers away from Will as the brunette lays on the couch, his body shaking and flinching as he tries to get himself off again, the heat in the air rising.

Mike adopted Winter for Will for Valentines day, Winter wasnt a social cat, but she liked to cuddle in Will's lap.  But even she could feel his heat and didnt want to be anywhere near him.

"M-Mike."  Will calls out knowing Mike was not near him at all, he looks around the room hoping to actually see older male just pop out of nowhere and fuck him.

He lets out another whine, covering his mouth hoping the neighbors didnt hear him, as he starts hunting the couch for stimulation.

"M-Mike, come home... please.."  Will says his eyes turning red, not know Mike holding his clipboard in his office, about to speak to someone and is staring off in space, blushing hard at the scene he just witnessed, his eyes also red as Will's.

× × ×

Mike holds a hand to his mouth, 'why am I thinking such lewd things, stop it Mike, you're at work you dumbass'  he scolds to himself as he looks up to his superior raising an eyebrow.

"What's wrong Mike?  Your eyes have turned red,  do you need blood?"  He asks the ravenette as Will shakes his head, he was lucky his superior was also a vampire, any werewolf or human would've ran away from the sight.

"I just saw a very.. explicit thing, I'm sorry I'm distracted."  Mike says trying to shake the image out o this head that looked so real.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but you're with Will Byers right?"  He asks as Mike nods his head, another image of Will humping the couch in plain view,  the heat rising to his cheeks now.

"So hes a werewolf I'm assuming hes in heat.  Its springtime, so.. werewolves are in the cycle of:  I need sex now."  The older man explains as Mike raises an eyebrow.

"So Wills in heat, couldn't he just fap off?"  Mike asks as the man chuckles shaking his head.  "If you guys already had your fun  his body is expecting you, your touch."  Mike's superior explains as Mike holds a hand to his mouth blushing. 

"Werewolves once they have a mate and have mated before mating season, will have the same expectations of sex when in heat, and maybe even more."  He further explains as Mike nods his head everything finally clicking into place.

"I have a werewolf husband, since my husband is a pureblood werewolf, I could actually see him in the distressed sexual state he was in, so I'm assuming you thats what you're witnessing."  Again this man has got in the bag, luckily for Mike he didnt have a huge hard on yet so his superior didnt see how turned on he is, but it was coming and he needed to get to Will fast.

"I'm so sorry, can I please leave?"  Mike asks as his superior shoes him out of his own office.  "Go!  Mike, he needs you."  He says with a chuckle as the ravenette dashes out of the Grocery and runs to their apartment.

Once he reaches he apartment he uses the stairs instead to get to Will, knowing the elevator would be longer.

Once he reaches the floor, he sees a male werewolf trying to pick the lock of his apartment door.

"Hey!"  Mike says with a glare.  "Dont do that or I'll call the cops, my mates in there and if you would have fucking touched him, you'd be dead.  Scram."  Mike says with a growl as his eyes turn red.  The male werewolf stops what hes doing, giving an apologetic and afraid look, dashing away.

Mike opens the door and as he does he feels the intense heat inside and the sound of Wills whines.

He closes the door and locks it, walking in slowly seeing the brunette on the couch, a hot mess, precum drooling out of his member onto the floor as he tries his best to jerk off.

Wills ears tilt towards Mike's direction as he quickly looks up, his eyes filled with lust and neediness as he let's out an animalistic whine.

Mike swallows thickly at the sight as he places his things down.

"Do you know how much trouble you caused Will~."  Mike says seductively as he pulls up his sleeves and takes off his tie, the werewolf letting out another needy whine as Mike comes closer.

"Being all lewd making me have a boner at work, making me leave work, and making other men come and try to pick the lock because they could sense your heat too.  So naughty~"  The ravenette chuckles as he squats down and pulls Will's chin towards him.

Will opens his mouth sticking his tongue out a little as if pleading for a kiss, and Mike oblieges kissing Will passionately as the brunette kisses back eagerly letting out moans and whines.

Winter comes back into the living room feeling more comfortable that Mike has everything under control with Will's heat, sitting in her cat tree again and closing her eyes to rest.

Mike breaks the kiss as Will leans in for more, but mike stops him with his hand still holding the younger boys chin.

"On the bed.  Now."  Mike commands as Will shivers at the words.

Two chapters since I gave you a sucky one last time, I made it early in the morning so I wasnt processing shit- I'm sorry.  Anyways, have a snazzy day, have fun, dont die, stay safe!

Tbh I'm thinking of making an original book series 🤔 and ofcourse its gonna be smut and bxb lol.


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