Chapter 6

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Will had butterflies in his stomach for the rest of the day, not only because of how surprised he was by their little situation, but because he was so happy.

For the rest of the day they basically cuddled, resting and chatting, small conversation.

A few makeouts happened here and there, but no more than that.

Mike leans over Will and pecks him on the forehead before falling back, placing a hand in Will's hair, playing with a few strands.

Will smiles with satisfaction as he wags his tail a little. 

"Thank you."  Will says as he nuzzles his face into the ravenette's neck with content.

"For what?  The blow job?"  He asks with a smirk as Will blushes hard.

"W-well yes that.. but for being honest in what you wanted.."  the brunette says as he lifts his head up to meet Mike's gaze.

"For telling me you wanted my blood... ah that sounds weird." Will explains with a unamused expression making the Vampire laugh.

"Well your serious gaze and scary stance made me say what I truly wanted I guess."  Mike chuckles, making Will laugh a little.

"Well I knew you were trying to hide something, plus your hormones were everywhere for the past few days."  Will explains as he crinkles his nose a little.

"Oh did I smell bad?"  The ravenette asks with one eyebrow cocked.  He lifts his arm up and sniffs at it, but shows no sign of a stench.

"It wasn't bad, it was just very noticable that you were having some...urges.."  Will says with a chuckle.

"Well you seem to have a very good nose." Mike states as Will nods.

Both boys then lay in silence for a brief moment.  Both having the same thing on their minds.

Will they date?  Will they try dating?  Or will they be "master and pet?"  Both boys were deep in thought,  wanting to know what the other thought.

Will then looks up at the older boy and grabs Mike's hand, taking in a deep breath.

"I want to know what the kiss was for."  Will demands softly as Mike looks at him with a slightly confused face, but then composes himself with a small smile.

The Vampire snakes his hand up to Will's chin and holds his face towards Mike making sure he gets the younger boy's attention.

"That kiss..that wasn't to just set the mood you made.."  he explains,  with a small blush creeping onto his face.

Will starting to get red cheeks himself, "it was to also tell you..that I want to see you more than a bag of flesh, more than a friend."  He says as he leans in, Will makes a small gasp, his tail wagging quickly but in small wags.

"I-i want to be more than friends too."  Will admits before getting attacked by the hungry boy above him,  a passionate and hungry kiss pressed on the werewolf's lips.

Their lips sync up as they continue kissing,  Mike, moving his hands up and down Will's sides as Will tries his best to keep up with the older boy's pace.

Soon they part, Will being a panting mess below Mike.

"So... more than friends?" Mike asks as he nuzzles his nose against Will's, getting a little nuzzle back from the boy below him.

"Yes.. More than friends." 


Tonight they were gonna stay in Mike's room to sleep, Will felt much more comfortable being with Mike now that he had more information.

My Wolf - Byler FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin