Chapter 30

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As they head for the door Ribin grabs the extra bag with the tails and wolf ears in them.

"Okay so heres the plan.  If they see multiple people with lab coats on, everyone is gonna be suspicious whether they are part of The Institute or not."  Robin says in a serious tone looking at all of them.

"So Keith is gonna go to the car, after two minutes Steve and I will go, hes got the perfume so he'll not be noticed as a Human."  Robin explains as Steve looks nervously at the door.

"Then in five minutes you two come to the car then we will go."  She finishes as Keith heads out the door.

They wait quietly, Mike grabbing Will's hand and squeezing it reassuringly as Steve and Robin head out, Steve placing some shades on his face before the door closes.

Will looks up at the Raventte, Mike looking back into Will's hazel eyes.

"We'll get through this.." the vampire says softly as Will hugs him tightly making Mike smile and hold a chuckle in his throat before kissing the top of Will's head.

Once the time was up they both take a deep breath before opening the door  greeted by the cold and snowfall.

"Its only November."  Will says with a shudder as Mike closes the door quietly and they both start walking to the exit of the alleyway.

"Well its almost December so, I think we can let it slide."  Mike says softly as they walk out and find the familiar black car and walk towards it.

Aa they continue down the side walk they see Troy walking towards them from the corner, looking at his phone.

Will gasps in fear standing frozen on the spot, his ears threatening to tilt down and his tail moves closer to his legs. Mike grabbing Will's hand urges the boy to move, the brunette starting to move again as they walk. 

Troy looks up at them with a raised eyebrow, Mike smiling and waving his hand, Will smiling as well, trying to hide his fear for the other Ravenette.

Troy raises an eyebrow and scoffs as he continues walking past them.

As they walk past Troy, Will sighs silently as they reach the car.  Mike opens it as Will crawls in, sitting in the middle between Steve and Mike.

Robin looks at them as Keith starts to drive. "What was that Will?  What happened?"  Robin asks as the younger boys buckle themselves up.

"M-Mike's ex... He knew something about my mom and brother being talented away."  He explains as Mike grabs his hand again squeezing it with confidence and care for the werewolf.

Robin frowns, "Well he must know you guys are here if he's here."  She says with concern, Will looking at Mike with concern.  He was right.

Troy didnt believe him, of course he didnt, they havent been at their apartment for a few days. 

"Well he didnt seem to know it was us right now."  Mike says reassuringly as they head out to the outskirts of the city.

The drive was only a few minutes long, but each passing minute was longer than Will was hoping for.

As they reach a building that seemed abandoned and undisturbed everyone gets out as Robin grabs her bag and walks to the door where there's a security camera at the top.

As they all walk toward the door Robin knocks on it and pauses as they wait patiently for Murray to open the door.

"Hello?"  A man's voice says from the intercom as Robin looks up at the camera with her usual 'I'm fed up with shit' smile.

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