Chapter 26

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As they walk down the dirty Alleyway, quickly, Steve takes off his jacket and gives it to Will, the werewolf thanking him before putting it on as they turn to another dark area.

After the twists and turns through the buildings they hear shouting.  "Run!"  Robin says quickly as everyone follows her,  Will is quick and agile like Robin, but Mike and Steve were having a little difficulty keeping up.

Soon they reach a door and Robin frantically knocks out a rhythm which the door immediately opens revealing a tall brown haired werewolf.

"Did you guys find them-?" 

"Not now Kieth let us inside!"  Steve says looking both ways in the Alleyway before shoving the boys and Robin inside.

Once Steve closes the door Robin turns on a light to reveal a little room with three sleeping bags and a few lanterns and decor.

"Welcome...  to the back of a store that no one wanted to purchase because people still believe it was infested with rats."  Robin says in a sarcastic tone.

"Dont worry we got rid of them ourselves and cleaned up the place."  Steve adds gesturing to the pretty decent looking room.

"How did you know to help us?"  Mike asks as Will rests his head on Mike's side, the ravenette placing an arm around him.

"Luckily Steve was watching for 'rebels' usually hes looking at other things." Keith groans Steve opening and closing his mouth about to say something to argue each time but just closes it and nods.

"Yeah, I saw you guys, and I asked Robin to come up and check since I wasnt sure if it was Will."  Steve explains as Robin wags her tail happily.

"I couldn't believe it when I saw you again, I thought you were gone like- for good."  She explains Will smiling.

"Well I'm here now."  Will says with a chuckle.

All three of the older adults look over at Mike making the vampire freeze and look concerned.

"Dont worry guys.  This is Mike, he's my boyfriend."  Will explains as Steve mumbles: b.s, and Keith scoffing.

"Sure, like he didnt tell you to say that-"

"He didnt."  Will cuts off Keith with frustration.

"We just dressed up like this so that we would blend in with the rest of what Hawkins is like, it worked at the start, but Mike lost his character when we saw....Lonnie."  The werewolf explains as he grabs Mike's hand getting a reassured squeeze from Mike.

"Well that was a good idea.."  Robin praises as she walks off to a small fridge and pulls out a package of bacon and a carton of eggs.

"After all that you guys must be hungry." Robin says as Steve walks over to Robin and helps her cook the bacon while she does the eggs.

Will walks over to Robin, leaving Mike to explore the place for himself as Kieth watches him as if one wrong move and he'll tackle the ravenette.

"We left our car in the street and we have things in there that we may need in case of an emergency."  Will explains as Robin turns to Keith who is staring at Mike, Mike glaring back at the tall Werewolf.

"Kieth can you go to the street that is connected to Will's street?  They left their car their and need their stuff."  Robin says bluntly as she cracks 2 more eggs, the smell enticing Will as he sniffs the air.

Kieth looks at Robin with disbelief.  "I'm busy keeping this guy in check-"

"Will trusts him, I trust him."  Robin interupts not looking away from the pan, making Will bite his lip to hide his smile.

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