Chapter 17

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They worked on the project for a week, figuring out where they want to live, what kind of house they wanted, what jobs they'd get. Mike decided to apply for a job in his father's business industry, to his surprise had a higher pay raise than other employees (he may be his son, but due to the relationship, he never though his father would do such thing.) And actually enjoyed working in such space.

Will on the other hand would spend his time on Mike's computer in his boyfriend's room, looking at houses, decor, cities and a job for himself where he hope he wont get in any trouble.

El was hanging out with Will while Mike was finishing his last hour at work, working on data and numbers for his father's company's bills.

El scrolls on her phone, her head on Will's shoulder, not bothered by the scent on the werewolf's neck, Will on the computer looking at apartments.

"This is a huge opportunity for you guys.. but make sure not to be too far away, otherwise I can visit you two." El says quietly as she swipes on her phone, playing candy crush.

Will smiles at the comment and chuckles. "Yeah, I dont want to be far from you guys either, I never met any vampires besides Mike who were nice to me and wanted to be my friend, not my... I dont know.. master right?" Will says awkwardly with a shrug as El frowns at the last two words.

"Our race shouldnt have oppressed Werewolves or Humans. But we did, but that doesnt mean who ever buys a werewolf is their master, that's only a title. You guys deserve rights whether the vampire race as a whole thinks that or not." El responds with a hint if fire in her eyes.

Will nods with happiness as she hugs him, his tail wagging with joy from the support.

"Your hot boyfriend is gonna be back soon, and I should go, Hopper would want help with supper, plus he promised me eggos with whip cream and jelly beans if I did." El says making Will laugh.

"Jelly beans on eggos?" Will asks with confusion. "Sounds a bit strange to me." He adds as El shrugs.

"Will, there will always probably be stranger things than my eating habits." She says with a chuckle as she gets her shawl on.

"I'll see myself out so have a good one Will."

"Take care El." The werewolf replies as she leaves the room.

× × ×

Mike gets out of the limo and walks up to the front door of his house with his father, his father Pat's his shoulder.

"You've worked so hard Mike, I'm glad you chose to work in the company." He says in a quiet tone, if he was trying to show admiration, it didnt really shown

Mike nods as he unlocks the door and let's his father inside.

"Maybe keep your pet in check and then we will be on a good terms."

'Knew it.' Mike thought as he doesnt give a response holding the paper bag over his shoulder, but stops as his father tuts at him.

"What is in that bag you had to get from the mall." His father asks with a raised eyebrow and an unamused expression.

Mike held his smirk as he opened the bag and pulled out a hoodie.

"Thought I'd get myself something comfy to sleep in." He lied as he smiled, as in lifting the edges of his lips my a sliver.

The sweater was for Will, and what was underneath the sweater was also for Will... but for a different purpose.

His Father sighs giving an approved nod before Mike placed the hoodie back into the bag.

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