Chapter 12

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Mike wakes up on the night from Will's movement,  he noticed that Will moved a lot on his sleep, but wasnt bothered by being wakened.

He smiles as he remembers what he talked about before they dozed off.

He never got the chance to tell anyone, and was stuck on it for a long time.

Mike was afraid his parents would be disappointed in him, already not happy about the fact hes gay, but the idea that their son was in love with an abusive piece of crap was another thing.

The ravenette turns to his side as he looks at the peacefully sleeping angel beside him. 

He wondered how Will ever ended up in the Blood Market.  How was he torn away from his parents, his loved ones, his pack.

Mike reaches over Will and runs one of the werewolf's ears, the brunette unconsciously flicking it from the sensation, making the older boy chuckle.

Since he couldn't sleep he decided to get up and look at Will's sketch book, he grabs the black leathered book and sits back down in bed. 

He flips through the pages, mostly sketches of himself, but their was one sketch of a woman.

Hair cut to her shoulders, a nice thin lipped smile on her face,band dark eyes. 

She looked a bit like Will, maybe it was a past lover?  Family? 

He flipped the next page, and it was a sketch of an older looking male werewolf, same shaped nose as Will, but narrow eyes and narrower cheek bones. 

Family.. this has to be his family.

He felt bad for the werewolf beside him but sadly he wasnt able to go back to his family.

The blood market would take him away again, they always sweep packs to find Omegas.

Will would he swept off by some other vampire.. and would probably have a quickly life.

Mike shudders at the thought and closes the book placing back on the table beside Will.

He didnt want to lose Will, he didnt want to lose the guy who doesnt fear him for being a Wheeler, a high class vampire, a vampire in general.

Mike loved him, the kinda love that made butterflies swarm in his stomach, the love that made him want to show affection and make love with him.

The kind of love you know you cant just get from any other guy.

Mike's eyelids droop as he's deep in thought, he soon realizes he's ready to fall asleep again. 

So he wraps an arm around the smaller boy and drifts back off to sleep, dreaming about Will, in a field of peonies, both hand in hand.

In love.

× × ×

Will wakes up, yawning as his ears twitch go the soft sounds of Mike changing into some clothes.

The brunette looks over at Mike with a soft smile, closing his eyes contently before trying to doze of again.

"Wake up Will, we skipped dinner last night and we need to eat."  Mike says softly with a chuckle as he watches the werewolf grumble and tilt his ears down.

Mike sighs and smirks, walking up to the brunette and getting on top of him. "Will~"  Mike purrs as the werewolf opens an eye.

"If you don't get up I'll attack you."  Mike threatens playfully, as Will chuckles.

The werewolf ignores the warning as he closes his eyes almost dozing off again.

Mike sighs, "dont say I didnt warn you cutie~" he says softly before leaning down and attaching his lips onto Will's, letting his tongue enter.

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