Season Finale Chapter 28: Internal External Suffering

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⚠️This Chapter contains explicit sexual content that some may find uncomfortable. Please skip the chapter if it's too difficult for you to read.⚠️

[Chris's perspective] I skate all the way down Braxton (St). "I need the fresh air", I can't believe he'd say something like that. "One of us needs the other more," I repeat in my head. Friends get into fights all the time.

We were bound to have one eventually. I feel a cold feeling passing the small cottage in the woods. Demons maybe? I should check it out. If anything happens I could just wish for the sword.

I walk towards the cottage getting even colder. I zip up my jacket and slide my board into my bag. The door creaks open creepily. Immediately stepping in I blackout.

The Past: I keep killing. Blood squirting all over me. Just a young boy killing monstrous demons. I wanna dream about being Superman not hurting creatures. I want to be normal. Why won't God give me a life where I can rest? Maybe someday I'll find peace. Someday with you.

I know I have no control over killing them, I just do. It's my purpose in the dream. My job to end them all.

My eyes roll back into reality. I wake up tied into an empty bathtub. "Wakey Wakey," a tall figured woman grins. I feel the bump on my head.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I'm hungry and haven't eaten in a while," she licks her fingers. "They say so many things about you. How they're all afraid. I was strong enough to knock you out. Now, I can eat you for dinner." I try breaking out the ties, but they slice into my wrist. "I suggest you don't move too much. I don't like my food rare."

I look around inside the place. A giant pot of water boiling on the stove, crumbling wallpaper, and her cutting vegetables. "I don't want to do this," she cries out of nowhere.

"Shut up," she says. I wish for the sword, but it doesn't appear on my command.

She throws the vegetables into the bathtub. "Yummy. My stomach just growling for food. Just wait until everyone finds out I was the first to successfully kill you."

"You won't get the chance," I plead. I use my feet to bang her head onto the rear of the bathtub. Blood spills out of her head. I'm just need to figure out how to get out of these ties.

Loud shuffling interrupts my thoughts. Blood still gushes out of the woman's body. The body stands back up, but this time it isn't her body, it's a man.

He looks at his newly found body. "Thank you, Satan! You freed me from my sister. I knew you would. She isn't quite smart. She wasn't the one speaking, she's just a weakling. All she had to do was eat you," he goes on.

"Look where that led her," he evilly chuckles. "Now I have you all to myself."

I keep wishing for the sword waiting for it to appear. Why isn't this working? It's worked all the other times. Why today? Why now?

"Are you afraid Monsur is going to kill you? All those other demons were truly weak." My wrist bleeds more as I try to break free. Monsur bends down heating up the bathtub. My body still felt cold. Restless. Why isn't anything working?

As if I'm normal. Like the sword was never a thing. Monsur throws more food in and seasons my body. "You look so delightful. There are so many ways I could eat you. I know just the way," he grins. He unties me and lets me free.

"Now that's better." I kick him onto the floor, making him completely fall. He snatches my leg before I could run out and slams me onto the ground. "You're like a headless chicken trying to run away when it's already dead."

Monsur lays me out. Spreading my legs, forcing his body onto me. Please let go of me. I'm useless. Weak. I didn't see this coming. My visions didn't see this. He pulls my clothes off. "Stop." My body cried. "God, save me."

"Shut up," Monsur yells at me. I wanted to scream. He forces himself into me. Pushing back and forward.

My body finally let me scream. "It hurts! It hurts! Stop the burning! Stop the pain! Every thought in my mind felt real, but a voice was screaming as well. It wasn't mine.

"I love the way you taste."

"No. Please," I beg for mercy.

"Beg all you want, it just fills me up." My eyes water like thousands of raindrops falling from the sky. The blood from my wrists violently pours onto the floor. Monsur pulls out a knife, stabbing me twice in the stomach. My power, my sword it's all gone. I call for TD as hard as I can. God let me reach him.

I'm weak than ever. I cry more feeling hopeless. I wish I were dead. "Kill me now," I cry. My eyes close like they wanted to give up crying.

"Not time yet." He turns me over. "Even better."

My nose begins to bleed and flows onto me. Am I even awake? The heat coming from my body felt like 375 degrees. Monsur beings to catch on fire. I could hear him screaming, I could hear his painful thoughts. He explodes and his guts splatter everywhere.

His lungs fall from the ceiling. My hands shake like an earthquake. "Dead." The dark cottage lights on fire. Like I'm in hell.

I need to leave. I feel enraged. I still call for TD. Why can't he hear my pain? Why can't he feel it? Blood spills from my eyes as if I'm crying. He promised he'd protect me. He wasn't here. The Demon never came. I walk from the fire. The small cottage burns down crumbling into each other.

"Internal External Suffering." The sword calls out to me.

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