Bonus Chapter: Halloween Special

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[The Demon's perspective] The Past (2008): "Why is he dressed up as a sailor?"

"I'm taking him to a Halloween party. He begged me for days."

"He must have, I know how strict you are about him leaving the castle," the servants laugh.

"Kyle deserves it. Don't you?" Father picks me up and gives me a forehead kiss.

"I have been a good boy," I shake my head in agreement.

"Well, send the elevator down."

"Yes sir, right away sir," the servants leave.

"Father the party isn't far. Can we walk?"

"And what are you doing to do for me?"

"I'll play you a song on the piano. I'll make dinner too," I volunteer.

"You don't even know how to season chicken yet. However, I wouldn't mind you playing a song for me."

"When we get back home I will," I pinkie promise.

"I'll allow it," Father says his favorite words. I just wanted to be far from the mansion. It's becoming isolating for me. Father doesn't take me outside much. I fear he fears for me.

Father and I walk less than a mile. Everyone we walked past bowed with respect.

Once we arrive at the party Father steps out to go to the bathroom or take a phone call. "If anyone asks, you are not my son," Father whispers before he leaves.

"Yes, Father," I don't listen to his words.

I begin to venture on my own. There were so many good costumes. My favorite was a kid in his true form, a dragon-like creature. I walked around a bumped into a tall woman. "Trick or treat," I amuse.

"Here you go, sweetie." The nice lady gives me a handful of candy.

"Are you by yourself," she inquiries.

"My Father brought me here," I explain.

"Well stay close. It's going to be a wild night," she replies.

"Have a good day miss," I leave. I go to the public bathroom and look for Father but he was gone. I wanted to listen to the lady's advice but Father was no longer there. I continue to trick or treat when I start to wonder where Father was. I was fully finished with the entire party so I walked home...alone.

I venture off again and go through the house with 3 wooden doors. The further I walked the more I was away from the other children. "Father," I yell worriedly.

"The sacrifice is here," I hear a voice. I follow the loud drums into a dark red room.

A group of men in black cloaks stands in a circle under the looks of a pentagram star. "You must drink the blood to rise the Dark Moon once again. Each year we become closer to the prophecy. We will kill the next savior. As Satan wants you to."

"Satan," I stumbled. I trip over a puddle of blood. The men in cloaks turn around and stare.

"He's here. Kill him," they run towards me.

Before I could run they snatch my body and pin me down. They where strong I could feel their satanic energy rubbing off of mine's. They tie me up and form their circle again. "Satan we call to you, our Dark Lord, to once let the Dark Moon sin again."

The roof of the house splits upon, I could feel the moon glare onto my pale skin. "We sacrifice he, thee that shall not called by his true name." They cultist grab a knife and cut my arm open. I scream in angst.


All the cultist shake in fear. "The Dark Lord is here," all of them bow. If I know anything about rituals, I know this one isn't over. Of course, my father is here to save me.

"He wasn't "him". Do not confuse him as the other again," Father threatens. "Kyle, my son, how did you end up here."

"I walked," I give an answer.

Father gives the cultist a stern look. "Forgive s Dark Lord. We must begin the upbringing."

"There is no upbringing. Especially if it involves my son," Father accepts me.

"Son?" The cultist all have a face of shock.

Father snaps his fingers and they all turn to dust, their cloak's where the only things left behind. Father snaps his fingers again; I am home. I didn't even realize I was attached to him.

I wanted to forget everything and was having no luck. I still was afraid. Lucas was there to help me sort through my candy. The candies I didn't want I'd give to the servants. "Do you know where my Father is?"

"He had to leave for a meeting. He'll be back tomorrow. I'm sorry," Lucas replies.

"It isn't your fault Lucas. Father always does this. He fails to show his desire to be a father," I sniffle.

"Do not cry, my prince," Lucas pleads.

"I cry because I hurt. He swore he stop doing bad things. And every time he tries to fulfill that purpose there's something to drag him back."

Lucas stays quiet and leaves before he says something he will be punished for.

I sneak into dad's meeting room and listen in. "Are you sure it was "him"?"

"We truly can't confirm sir but he does have a distinct look," a man in a black cloak replied.

"Then do not bring this to my attention. I don't have time for this nonsense," Father sits down painfully.

He lights a cigarette and shows his human form. His left eye was pitch black and his right eye was blood red. I admire my father's hair. It's unique like mine. Like me the front of my hair is black and the back is red, like Father's demanding eyes. 

Father's hair a golden blonde and black in back. His face was as young as ever. Father says unique features run in the family because they represent our futurity. I'm not quite sure I can wrap my head around that yet.

"But sir if it is him then do we bring him here. Your directions aren't quite clear." The man in the black cloak sounded confused.

"Get on your knees," Father commands. The strange man bows. Father grins and the man's head splits in half without a blank of an eye.

"Do not question me and most of do not bring pointless shit to my attention."

"Yes, my lord," the rest bow.

"I know your there my son," Father calls out to me.

I scarcely go in. "You mustn't be nosey like that. Curiosity gets you killed in the real world. Men like that go not where," Father teaches me lesson.

"Who is "him"?"

"Remember what I just said curiosity kills."

"Then goodnight Father. Rest peacefully."

"Do me favor before you do? Kill the rest of them," Father pats my head.

"Certainly, Father." He closes the door behind him and locks me in. My fangs become visible and the men in cloaks fear. They do not beg for mercy nor do they plead for their lives. They remain quiet as I tear their bodies into shreds.

Father says it's illegal to kill other demons because you take their power with you. Expect on special occasions such as this. When they disobey they disappear. "Demons taste yummy Father," I lick my lips.

[Satan's perspective] Sweet innocence does not exist with one becomes murderous. Kyle looked very adorable in his sailor costume but now it's coated in blood. I fear I may be raising my son wrong. But power only exist to be taken. Not to be earned.

The soft sound of Claire de Lune played in the background. Kyle's fingers gracefully played each note with perfection. Even his bloody smile could have made the piano surrender.

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