Chapter 15: Don't Go

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[Chris perspective] I throw my things in the back of the car. "You're sure you going to be safe by yourself," TD stressed.

"I'll be fine. I put the sword in the back seat. I'm good," I reassure him.

"Alright just call me if you need anything," TD closes the back door.

"Bye," I hug him. He looks so worried. "Take care of Jamian." I wave goodbye and get into the car. I feel so nervous though. Who knows what's gonna happen to me. Last night was terrible. I know Jamian going to be mad at me.

I start the car and begin to drive. At least TD cared enough to bother me. It's my fault I act l don't want help. Somehow he knows when I need consoling. His father must be an asshole just like my mother.

This morning I woke up in his lap comfortably, I thought I was sleeping in a bed. It's weird though how I barely know him, but feel like I do. I'm sure someday, somehow I'll remember him. I have to. I should have told Loyalty I'm leaving. It's just a day, I'll be fine.

6 hours in, I stop for some gas. I use the card TD gave me. As I wait for the gas to finish pumping I begin to feel oozy. I hope no demon comes. I don't have time for that.

The air begins to smell like smoke. I start to cough as the air gets more intoxicating. I follow the smoke from where ever it's coming from. The gas station shed completely blows up. I try avoiding the explosion, but it still hits me hard.

I fall to the concrete almost busting my head open. My ear's ring with static. The concrete ripped the arm of my shirt. Deep cuts of metal sticks in my arm. I completely pull it out, letting out a loud scream of pain. "Sir is everything okay," some rando ask me.

"Do I look okay?"

"Sorry, it was just some prank from some teenagers."

"A prank that could have killed me," I argue.

"I'm so sorry, I'll happily pay for the damage," he mutters.

"Just pay for my fucking gas."

I get into the car. "What about your arm," rando contended.

"I'll be fine. Have a good day." I quickly rush out of there. What kind of teens would prank someone like that? I'm seventeen and even I wouldn't go so far as to do something like that.

Something about this just doesn't feel right. I pull over and quickly wrap my arm. I just need to find Dad.

8 hours later. I completely survived off coffee. I almost fell asleep twice. I'd rather pay for a hotel here than anywhere else and my arm hurts like shit. I put a large coat on. The purple liquid on the map points to a small diner.

"Diner Central," I say out loud. I pull open the door. There was a couple sitting at a booth and some teenage girls at the stools. I sit at a table by myself. "How can I help you today," the server ask with a strong Canadian accent.

"Just a burger and fries. Umm...also is there someone named Vince that works here." I could barely imagine what he looks like now.

"No, I'm sorry."

"Your food should be done in 10," she walks away.

A tall man walks in. "Sorry I'm late, Hussy." He takes off his coat showing his uniform.

"It's okay. Been a tough week huh," Hussy directs to him.

I feel myself being nosey. Looking at his whole face. "Dad?"

He looks at me funny. "Hussy could you give me a minute."

"Sure honey," she cleans the counters.

"Hi," I awkwardly greet him.

"You can't be here right now," he observes me.

"You do know me."

"You look just like my dad," he whispers.

"I know who you're my son. How did you find me?"

"That's a long story," I try avoiding his question.

"You really shouldn't be here it's not safe," he gets up from the booth.

"Wait...please. I just want to know why you left. I won't ever bother you again."

Vince frowns. "It's best if you leave. I don't want you to get hurt. I was never meant to be your dad. "

"Don't do this please," I beg with a tear falling out my eye.

"Mom already abandoned me, I don't need another parent doing the same."

"I'm sorry kid," he turns his back on me. Hussy stares at Vince.

"Michael go talk to your son," she grabs him. Michael? His name isn't Michael. What is he hiding?

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