Chapter 1: Knock Knock

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[Chris's perspective] 4:56 am. I wake up with sweat and tears dripping down my cold body. Did I cry in my sleep? Loyalty would have woken me up. I felt blood slide down through my nose. I wipe it off with the dirty shirt on the floor. Loyalty didn't seem to be bothered that her legs were crossed on mine.

I tried moving to the side of the bed without waking her. "I can feel you moving Chris." She turned around and kissed me on my puckered cheek. "I can leave if you want me to," Loyalty offered. She starts to put on some clothes.

I need her to stay, she usually leaves at 5:00 am, 2 hours before mom would go to work. That way my mom wouldn't catch us. Of course, I don't want to get caught. Loyalty comes around 10 pm the day before where I'd sneak her into my room.

I wish we'd spend actual time with each other. We have sex most of the time. "I mean you probably should." I wished I had said something else. I could tell she knew how I felt but she didn't care (or maybe she did).

"Mira, mi amor, volveré por más. (Look, my love, I'll be back for more)." The way I feel about her drives me crazy. I know she isn't my girl and I'm not her man but on days like this, I need her the most.

"I understand. See you at school." She gives me one more kiss on the cheek and walks out the door.

It's hard for me to even consider her giving two shits about me. I don't even exist to her. I'm the ugly duckling and she's the swan. I sigh at the thought of grabbing her to stop her from leaving. I laid back down and closed my eyes.

7:25 am. I woke back up with my nose bleeding again. "Man what the fuck!" I run to the bathroom and stick some toilet paper up my nose. I clean the blood off my face.

I told Mom to change the air conditioner filter, not like she ever listens to me anyway.

Now's a good time to go to Jamian's room. My little brother has the most decked-out Spider-Man room in the world. "Wake up sleepyhead," I shake him.

"Stop Chris. You stink."

"Boy, you better watch your mouth, " I play hit him.

"Is Mom still sleeping?" Jamian cuddles up with his Spider-Man plushie.

I sighed at the fact he would ask me that. "Yeah, you should leave her alone." I get up and start to walk away.

"How come you got a tissue in your nose?"

"My nose bled earlier," I replied picking up one of his stuffed animals. He looked worried. "I'm fine," I insure him.

I leave to take a shower, taking the advice from my brother. I thought about Jamian. I knew he wasn't gonna listen to me. He never does anyway. Jamian cares about Mom like I never could.

Once, I finished my shower I changed into a sweater. I decided to make a bowl of cereal for my "nutritious" breakfast. Mom laid on the couch lazily. With pills spread out everywhere. "Fucking drug addict," I say harshly.

Jamian came out of his room and laid on the couch with her. How could he lay in her filth? Hate to say it, but there's something seriously wrong with him. Yet there's something wrong with me too. "Get dressed Jamian," I order.

Jamian got up and kissed Mom on the cheek. "Love you, mama." Jamian kisses her on the cheek again.

I tried rushing out of the house with my bag and skateboard. I didn't wanna see her wake up.

I didn't wanna hear her grumbling voice. Jamian was ready pretty fast. Wearing his new favorite Spider-Man shirt. This kid is literally obsessed. Spider-Man is his hero. As if he's real. After all, Jamian is 5. "Come on kid," I pick him up putting him on my back.

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