Chapter 3: Crushed Cars

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[The Demon perspective] "Ugh, what else do we need to talk about."

"That boy, he's so young and he looks like he's in pain."

"I don't know what you want me to do. I can't control everything."

"Just like you couldn't control your relationship with Luna."

"I love the shade you can throw sometimes."

"She misses you," Bella-Lina commented.

"Luna shouldn't miss me at all. What we had was toxic."

"I myself can say you two love each other."

"No, we loved each other. Past tense." I raise my tone. Looking back, at some point I considered myself to have loved her. After everything, she stood by my side. Luna understood me more than I could myself, but I ended things. For...the better good.

"Don't talk to me like that. My sister needs you. Like that boy does."

"I need to get going," I rush.

"Explain to me how he's a demon."

"I don't know but I'll figure it out," I tell her. "Slán. (Goodbye)."

"Protect him," she lets her last word out.

I get into the car. Chris just stares at me. "What?"

"I'm going to die aren't I?"

"With that energy yes. I promise it doesn't get harder, only easier if you have faith."

"I keep seeing all these bad things. If I wanted to see that I'd watch a horror movie-. Just take me to Walgreens."

"Fine," I agree. I'd be lying if I said it be easy. He has to kill an army of demons. He's only seventeen. He's not prepared. Chris doesn't even remember me. All the fun we had when we were kids. I guess that part of his life he doesn't want to remember. "Do you mind driving I need some rest," I ask him?

"Sure," he says. "Your lucky I listen to rock too." Chris turns on the radio. "How do I get home though?"

"Google maps dumbass," I chuckle. I close my eyes. I wish I could have sweet dream's.

It felt good to join The Dark Knight's. I felt what they were preaching. 400+ years since the rebellion. Worshiping Satan is something I could no longer put up with. Everything he does is completely evil. I wish I could kill him my damn self. I pray Chris can do the job someday. I've waited a long time for this.

I could feel a light shining in my eyes, I open them. A truck honks loudly. A floating demon forces it's hand into the truck and it crushes in a matter of seconds. "What do I do," Chris shutters. The truck still flips and crashes into the woods.

"Get the sword, I'll handle this for now."

I teleport into the empty highway. "Come here you ugly ass demon." I transform into my demon form. The demon had this crumbling face. It looked deformed. I grab it by its neck but it teleports from behind me. The demon flips me over. Its strength was unbearable.

Chris finally gets out of the car. "Come over here you son of a bitch." I didn't how Chris was going to react, looks like he was scared too. Chris swings the sword. The demon dodges the sword and throws Chris onto the highway.

It throws Chris's mom's car into the woods. "Agh," Chris cries. I use my claws to create a distraction, stabbing it in the leg. The demon falls into the hard concrete but pulls me down with it.

Chris gets up quickly and stabs him in the heart. Then he slices off the demon's head. "We weren't even close to the house. You just had to fuck up Mom's car." Blood spilled out from the body after Chris continuously stomped on its head.

He looked well beat too, Chris had a bruised arm and a ripped t-shirt. A little blood from a cut on his face. "How are we gonna get home?" I get off the ground and hold onto Chris and I teleport to the nearest gas station.

"Holy shit. I was not ready for that." Chris almost barfed again. He probably swallowed it.

"My magic's weak. That demon gave me quite a toss. We need to find someone to give us a ride."

"So we're not gonna talk about my mom's car getting fucked up or how I have this bloody sword in my hand."

"The sword is only visible to demons. Or others with magic. Regular humans don't have the energy to see such things."

"What about my clothes," Chris added on.

"I'll get you some. Go to the bathroom for now and lock your stall."

Chris runs towards the bathroom. I go into a gift store and steal us some decent clothes. I meet him back and the bathroom and we change. Chris goes off to get help. I felt bad that the car got botched. I'm glad it was the car instead of him.

He did well for his first time but it's still too early for demons to come chasing. That demon must have felt the aura coming from the activation of the sword.

"Okay, some lady at Dunkin Donuts said she'd give us a ride when her shift's over." Chris drops some food at the table we're sitting at. "She gave me some donuts." I snatch the bag and stuff one into my mouth. "I just realized it looks like I'm talking to myself," Chris looked around.

"I can make people see me if I wanted to."

"Then do that," Chris advised me. I get up and walk out of the entrance door just to make things more believable. I make myself appear (katour) and sit back at the table.

"Guess you don't need to go to Walgreens. It's obvious now that I'm real."

"Nah, I could still be imagining things. All you did was interact with a witch."

"Ugh, fuck I'll prove it to you." I get up and walk over to the table near us. "Excuse me sir could I borrow your pen," I ask the man.

"Uh, sure," the man nods.

I write "You don't need pills" down on Chris's arm. I gave the man his pen back. "Good enough," I wonder.

"There's no way in hell," Chris says in disbelief.

"That's a bad word," I laugh.

"This isn't making sense."

"How about you have faith. Remember when I said that."

"I wanna go home," Chris whined.

I flip my hair. "Would you stop being a baby? For god's sake, you just killed a demon." The man behind us turns and get's up and leaves. "He was bound to tune in," I accepted.

"Y'all boys ready," some old lady asks.

"Yes ma'am. Thanks for helping us out. Our car broke down."

"Oh, it's no biggie," she giggled. "My name is Mama Dee or Ms.Dee."

"Nice to meet you," we both say.  She walks us to her car. She was generous enough to let Chris play some music. I didn't wanna try to go to sleep again.

"I've never seen your kind before," Ms.Dee says. "We don't get a lot of Asians around here. Mostly just hispanics, blacks, and us white people.

"You got a problem with that," I bark at her.

"No, not at all," she excuses. The car ride home was awkward and silent. I had a feeling I'd deal with stuff like this in my human form. Demons don't tend to deal with racism, mostly it's always about class.

When we finally got home Chris enjoyed laying on his couch. "I'm taking a fucking shower," he says.

I sit on the living room chair and hum a song Luna used to sing to me. I close my eyes to regenerate my magic. "AHHHHHHHH," Chris screams. I run into his bathroom.

He lays on the floor with his eyes rolled back again. "What's wrong," I hold his head up.

"I didn't know," Chris repeats more than once. "She's dead," he cries.

"Who's dead?"


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