Chapter 23: Who've I've become? (prt.2)

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING. This Chapter contains subjective topics such as rape and prostitution.⚠️

[Selene's perspective] The past (2002): I been trapped in this house for a week. My stomach and breast hurt. The doctor said I'm two months. Though I'm glad Mom and Papa haven't noticed. I've never felt so angry.

Feels like Mom and Papa don't understand me. I light some weed. No one does. Maybe this baby will. I'll have to stop doing this to myself. I can't harm myself and the baby. No more drugs. I go downstairs. "The school will be here soon," Papa announces.


"What you come to apologize? It's too late now. You're a disappointment to this family. I and your mother. I did not raise you this way."

I stand by the fireplace where my grandmother's vase is. "You can't do this to me. I swear to God."

"God has left you," Mom evilly grins. "You are a sinner. You will go to hell. You'll burn. The school is the only chance of redemption."

"It was one mistake, Papa," I cry. Papa grabs me and begins to drag me outside. I hold on to the fireplace wall, smacking down Grandma's valuable vase.

Mother gasps. "No," she cries. All the pieces shatter around the room. "This isa family heirloom. We really have lost our daughter."

Papa pulls my legs onto the lawn.

"Let go of me, " I holler.

"Get her bags, honey," he yells at Mom.

"Papa," I scream and cry. The van pulls up to the drive-through. Two men and all white clothes throw me in a van.

"How dare you break your grandmother's vase?! After all, we did for you. All for some boy." My mother angrily calls out. "You go to hell and pray God can save you before."

One of the men forcibly put my seat belt on. "Welcome, Selene." We drive for an hour till we get to a gas station. Both of them get out. I search my bag for my phone. I text Vince to help me without trying to draw attention to myself. "St.Louis is the school," I text him.

"I'll gonna get you and our baby," he text back.

The men get back into the car and we start to drive again. "Your gonna have a good time," they laugh. I cry and cry. Scared for my life. The way they're looking into my soul scares me.

"Please let me go," I cry. They don't respond. We drive a little longer till we get to the school. "Alright get your stuff." The taller man gets out and opens the door. Vince's car pulls up making a loud screech. He runs out of the car to me.

"What's going," the other asks. Vince kicks the tall one down. Then, he punches the other in the throat. They both start to cough and choke.

"Come on," he gets my bags. I quickly get into the car when I see the nun's run out. Vince turns the car on and we drive away. "Your safe now," Vince kisses me.

[Vince's perspective] The past (2002): It felt good to save Selene. There are just a few more things I need to do before I can settle down. I know I wanna marry her. We just have to work some things out. First I kill Miliano Italiano.

Jimmy and I planned the whole thing out (before the whole Kiara incident). First, we go into his office right before his meetings with the mafia. Next, we'd crack the vault, taking all his money of course. Then we'd kill the bastard when he realizes we made a fool out of him.

I just wanna see his face. The last look he'll ever have is disappointment. I'll take vengeance for Dad, expose Miliano Italiano ways. They'll send him to jail for sure. No bail. He'll suffer as Dad did. I call Jimmy to make sure the plan was on.

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