Chapter 14: Searching for You

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[Chris's perspective] 2 weeks later. Am I really about to find my Dad? Especially during these times. I have been busy killing demons/training with that big-ass sword for 3 weeks. 1 week since TD suggested I'd go find him. I don't know if I should. What if he hates me?

At least Loyalty and I are together and doing well. Last night we just cuddled which was something kinda different for us. TD seems more bothered now. Ever since we went to see Kory he's been acting weird.

He keeps reading Father's Spear. I would ask him what's wrong, but he gets pushy when I ask him certain things. I haven't seen Mom in a minute either. Not sure where she's at. I'm just grateful Alejandro's mom gladly took us in.

"Pass me the ketchup," Prince asks. I realize I zoned out for the last 10 minutes. It's sad that people just let me be like that for so long. They think it's normal. When reflecting on the past all I can remember is swallowing that poison. Makes me feel like the whole time there was nothing wrong with me. Like I've been lied to.

The past: I walk through a dark hallway in a medieval castle. I walk more and more taking one step at a time. This dream I have repeats a lot and each time it seems to get worse. "Come to us child. Let us show you the path."

The voices will not let me speak. I go into the dungeon where you can smell evil. It's dark and cold. Lonely and scary. "Come to us child. Let us show you the path," they repeat. I have no choice but to walk towards them. Hands grab me one by one. One on my arm, then my other, then both of my legs.

They pull on me, each demon. They appear from the shadows and stare into my soft eyes. "Innocence always tastes delicious." One bites my arm, another eats my knee.

"It hurts," I scream. The sword draws from the darkness and clashes into my hands. I begin to kill and enjoy the pleasure of being free. Blood pours everywhere, free me, no more blood shall spill. I have blood on my hands why am I happy? Why is there more?" The demons still attack while I realize the truth. They kill me, I kill them.


I wake up out of my nightmare. Mom comes rushing to the room. "What Chris, what?"

"The demons ate me again."

"It's 5 am, it's just a nightmare. Go back to sleep."

"But they're real," I protest.

"If they were real then you wouldn't be here right now."

"Just take the pills," Mom goes into my drawer.

Will this really help. It seems like a punishment for being punished. Isn't there a better way? If only you were here to make that decision.

"I hate mushrooms," Talia throws her food.

"Don't make me knock some sense into you," Ms.Perez takes her flip flop off.

"You good." Alejandro taps on my shoulder.

"It's noisy in here. I'm gonna step out." I get up and clean off my plate. I grab my board and take a step outside. The air feels fresh. it's windy today. I flip my board over the sidewalk.

I skate for a good minute or so. I love this board more than anything. It's my safe place or at least it takes me to my safe place. When I finish skating through the whole neighborhood TD appears out of nowhere.

"Where have you been," I ask.

"Busy. Good to see you too."

"Sorry. Good morning."

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