Chapter 24: Dinner Time

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[Chris's perspective] "Wow."

"That must have been hard. I'm sorry for assuming you were some type of asshole." I could tell he didn't tell me everything that happened. I got the base of the story. If it's true then he's been through some shit.

I thought I had it worse. "It's getting late, I should go. Thank you for hearing me out."

"It's no big deal. Where are you staying tonight?" I ask.

"At a hotel if I can find one cheap."

"You can stay here. I'm not even staying here, you'll have the whole house to yourself for now."

"I couldn't do that," Vince dismisses.

"No, it's really not a problem," I pass him my spare key.

"What about your mother," he wonders.

"She's staying at a rehab currently."

"Rehab? She's getting help."

"Hopefully, I'm not really sure what she's trying to achieve. Either way, I'll have to find a way to forgive her."

"I should see her," Vince whispers under his breath. I try staying out of it cause he wasn't talking to me. "Thank you. Maybe I could spend some time with you."

"Uh...sure. Friday if that's okay, I have a busy schedule."

"Your seventeen so you'd probably should be doing your essays for college." Shit, I forgot about that. I'm honestly not in a rush. "Alright, you have a goodnight." I leave and take Mom's letter with me.

My life just can't stop taking a million turns. I can't even keep up. It feels like I've missed an episode of a show and I have no idea what's going on. My Dad really tried to kill a man. For a good reason of course. It's scary cause the way he spoke had me shooken up.

He probably regrets that decision. Vince seems like he regrets everything, if he'd go back he'd change how things went. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if I lost a friend too. Especially TD.

I get into the car and drive back to Alejandro's house. Mom's there to pick up Jamian. "I see your back," Mom hugs me.

"Don't be too quick Mom. I want you to get help first before I put my trust in you. You better hope I never doubt you again."

"At least you cried over my note to you. Mothers know when their boy is upset." I didn't even realize my facial expression throughout the day. I noticed ever since all the demon shit I've been looking more fatigued. Of course, today I look like I've been crying all day.

"Mommy," Jamian jumps into her arms.

"Hey baby," she kisses his forehead. "You ready for some ice cream."

"Can I get two scoops," he dances around.

"Yes you can," Mom approves.

"Yayyyyy! Bye, Chris."


I'm not sure if I should tell her Dad is here. I rather just wait till later. She's doing fine right now. I hate people when they ruin my mood so I'll treat her with the same respect. TD walks around with his shirt off. "What," he stares at me.

"Nothing," I gulp my spit. "Did you just get out of the shower? Your hair is dripping on the floor."

"Yeah, I went swimming. I hate how it makes my hair feel sometimes."

Ms.Pérez walks in and chokes on her food. "Jesus," she paints.

"Why is everyone acting weird," he seems concerned.

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