Chapter 6: I'm Not Weak

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[Chris's perspective] Why did he look at me like that? It almost made me wonder what he was thinking in his head. I get out of the shower and dry off before going back to sleep. I need the rest.

10:45 am. I wake up still feeling drained. Alejandro was playing some game on his phone. "Good morning," I greet him.

"Good morning Chris. My mom is making breakfast."

"Actually I'm about to go out for coffee. Want anything?"

"Glazed donut," Alejandro exclaimed.

"Alright," I go into my bag picking some clothes out. I peeked my head in the guest room noticing The Demon was gone. I didn't really look into it preferably. Wherever he is it's none of my business.

I finally change and made my way to get coffee. Classic Brew over Starbucks, to me it's the best place to get authentic coffee. Plus you should support small businesses. Those big companies don't need any more money.

"Hi. Could I get an iced coffee but with 3 shots of caramel?"

"Sure. $4.58." I pass my money to her; she freezes.

"Ma'am are you okay," I ask. She doesn't respond. I look around and everyone and everything doesn't move. "What the hell?" My limbs begin to feel like someone is pulling them off my body.

Everything feels cold, the air, my surroundings. "I've heard so much about you, Chris," a sorcerer says. I try moving my body, but it doesn't move an inch. The sorcerer appears right in front of my face.

"You're weaker than they say. You can't even move your body during my freeze spell."

"I'm not weak," I begin to get angry.

"I could kill you so easily. Everyone would be proud of me." The sorcerer licks his weapon of choice, a cursed knife.

It had only been 4 days since I killed a demon.

Yet, already it seems all demons have a death wish against me. "They say you end us all. They're wrong! I'm going to kill you now."

I wish I had that damn sword. Right then my body breaks free as the sword appears in my hands. "KILL." It whispers to me.

"How," the sorcerer shutters. He tosses my body straight into the freezer of Classic Brew. My head crashes into the cold mental. I get up quickly with my bones feeling weaker. I swing the sword into his hips as he bleeds black.

"That hurt," the sorcerer hissed. He kicks me into some boxes, then grabs me by my neck. "I'll kill you quickly." The sorcerer punctured my arm with his knife. I wish for the sword again as it comes to me. I stab him directly in the heart. He whimpers.

"You aren't weak," he laughed with blood squirting out his mouth.

"I was never weak."

His black blood puddles on the floor. "I was joking," he laughed again. The moment he dies his blood begins moving towards me.

"Holy shit," I try moving. It still follows me into the corner of the freezer. The blood jumps into my body. My body shakes rapidly and vastly. The sword moves by itself and cuts my arm open a bit. I scream.

Some of the black blood leaves my body and goes back into the dead sorcerer. I fall to the ground. "DEMON," the sword speaks.

The Demon appears and picks me up. "You don't look too good."

"You think so," I roll my eyes. We teleport into my room at the house.

"It's empty, the only safe space for me to help you."

"What are you going to do?"

"Heal you," TD explains.

He lifts his hands and a dark orb followed his hands as he moves them down my body. It felt like when your baby sleeping peacefully. You don't have to worry about anything. "Tell me what happened," he says.

"I killed a demon and some dark blood came out of him. Went into my body. It felt terrible. I wished for the sword to come and it did. That's how I killed him."

The Demon looks surprised and confused. "You wished for the sword and it came to you," he re-asks.

"Yes. Is that not normal?"

"None of this is normal. That demon must have used a sidus spell. It's not common at all. But is used to either be a curse or a gift. It gives the power of a demon to the one they have wished the spell on."

I spit out some black stuff. I could tell he's done healing me. My arm wound healed too, but you could still see the scar. "Am I gonna die."

"No, and stop saying that. I won't lie to, you could but from the looks of it you're stronger than I think."

"The prophecy never stated anything about the one who holds the sword is able to make it appear."

"So we should just hope that it's a gift and not a curse." "It's the best we can do."

"What about the people frozen?"

"They'll be fine. They'll unfreeze in a few minutes. Depending on how strong the spell is."

"I've never used a sword before. How come I'm so good at it?"

"Instinct really. You'll be fine," The Demon encourages me. I get up and hug him.

"I had a good time yesterday. Thanks for letting me dye your hair."

"Your welcome."

"I should go to school."

"You sure you want to? After all that," The Demon raises an eyebrow.

"I've got testing today. Everyone gonna expect me not to come so they'll fail me on purpose. It's a bunch of bullshit I rather not get into. Shouldn't I still act normal anyway?"

"Yeah, I guess so," his tone sounded sorry. The Demon teleports me there. "Bye."

"Oh, and stay safe," he waves goodbye. I noticed The Demon wearing one of my band t-shirts.

Camero and his gang of a friends. "What up shithead," one of them spits on my shoe.

"Fuck you."

"Chill the both of you," Camero holds his friend back.

"Pene pequeño," I laugh at him. (Small dick). I open the school door where Loyalty embraces me with a hug.

"I missed you," she kisses me.

"It sucks my dad was being an ass to you, but you'll get over it."

Brooklyn shakes her head. "Despistada," Brooklyn giggles under her breath. (Clueless).

"I heard what happened with your mom. You okay?"

"I'm decent. Tired though."

"I can tell. You look like you been attacked," Loyalty correctly assumes.

I awkwardly laugh that off.

"Let's go to class," Brooklyn drags her into 4B.

Alejandro comes in. "Did you see Teran (Camero's gang leader)?"

"No, why?"

"I heard he got shot in the arm."

"Why should I care," I blink at him.

"Cause he got shot by Camero. I heard he's in charge of the gang now." Do you think I have time to worry about some gangs?

I'm more worried about demons killing me.

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