Chapter 27: ?

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[Chris's perspective] My face still feels numb. That guy sure can throw a punch. He's acting like I did something. "He just put all his anger out on me." Ms.Pérez says not to tell anyone what happened. I feel like I have to hide everything from everyone.

Everything my fault nowadays. The school almost burned down. It's my fault Loyalty broke up with me. It's my fault Dad came back to town. How did Gael even know he was here? I know Dad didn't leave the room. Plus TD teleported us there, so no one could have seen us.

I'm just not sure how something like that could happen. "Stop worrying so much," TD wakes up.

"It's annoying. The more you stress the worse things get. Your dad is a badass, he'll survive. Plus all he has to do is snitch on Miliano and he won't get too much time."

"I hope you're right. He doesn't deserve a punishment. You've got something on your face," I make contact with him.

"What," he asks.

"Right there," I point to his cheek. "I think it's drool."

TD wipes it off a little bit. I wipe the rest. "You missed a spot." TD grabs my hand before I could let go. We just stare at each other.

He slowly lets my hand go. We just sit in awkward silence. "I'm gonna go warm up a pop tart," he leaves. What's the deal with him? Not in a bad way, it's just we've been getting so close. Everytime now there's this tension. I can't explain, but weirdly it shies my heart.

The more time I spend with him the more my heart feels this way. It's not like I can express the feeling, it's just there. I try so hard to think, I need to remember what it could be. It feels so familiar, I just can't signify what it is.

I walk into the gaming room and overhear Brooklyn talking to Alejandro. "I couldn't believe it. She actually likes the guy. Loyalty says he's cute and everything. They even kissed."

"No shit," Alejandro questions.

"I have no reason to lie. I'm happy for her. She needs to move on."

My heart stops. It falls to the floor. Why? How? When? It's not fair. How could she? It's all my fault, I should have been better. My body overcomes with sadness as my heart sinks. It's fine Chris one day you'll move on. You'll find someone to bring you joy.

"Ewww," Elisa screams. "Mommy look!"

Ms.Pérez kills a spider.

"I've saw 2 upstairs mom," Prince points out.

"How the fuck did we get spiders? It's probably one of your dad's sick pranks."

"It's a little early for April fools," Elisha giggles.

"Chris what's wrong." Ms.Pérez rubbed my shoulders.

"Nothing just tired," I dismiss.

"Alright, everyone search the house and kill all the spiders."

TD comes into the room with a bunch of spiders in his hand. "Don't kill them they're just looking for something." Luna (in her cat form) stands beside him.

"When the fuck did we get spiders and a cat? I need a drink," Ms.Pérez sighs.

"Luna let's go outside." TD barely had time to glance over towards me.

I felt dizzy. I thought this whole time it was me that was her hurting in the relationship, but she can move on. She's beautiful, any guy would want her. For me, I'm just the skinny kid that everyone thinks is mentally fucked up.

They're not wrong. I've survived through so many things in the 17 years I've lived. Somehow I'm still on this Earth.

"Chris," Jamian pulls on my shirt. "Your drinking coffee," he observes. "You said coffee is nasty."

"I'm tired," I excuse myself. "You look messed up. I'll leave you alone." Jamian skips off.

I wanted him to stay, but who's to tell a five-year-old to stay with their brother. I open the sliding door of the backyard.

"Spiders. I hate spiders. This means my father is sending me a message, " TD talks to Luna.

She purrs. "Could I have a cigarette," I ask TD.

"You don't smoke," TD laughs at my face. "Jeez, you look bad. Someone stab you in the heart," TD questions.

I break out into tears falling on the grass. "Talk to me," he whispers in my ear. Luna stands back.

"She's found, someone. Someone probably better than I could ever be," I cry. "I had her right there next to me. Unappreciative of what love she was giving me. I was ungrateful. Loyalty always said I was enough for her. I didn't listen, it's all my fault."

I could feel myself reaching for his hand. Will he grab it? He takes my hand and puts it on his lap.

"You'll be fine. She's moved on. It's her loss. She couldn't be patient with you. She doesn't understand you as I do." TD looks deep into my eyes. I don't see that darkness as much now.

A look of longing and confirmation. "I rather just cry," tears slide off my face. TD wipes them away with his fingers. His safe hands on my soft face. I've felt this feeling before. I just can't hold on to it.

He leans closer to me. "I can't stand to see you like this." TD lets me relax on his shoulders.

"I'm a mess. I shouldn't be like this."

He lifts my chin up. "You can be emotional too. You look beautiful when you cry. Your tears remind me of what'd it's like to be human."

Sometimes it's hard to see him say things like that. Demons can't feel or be loved. He shows so much emotion, he cares so much. The way he holds me. TD just won't let go and that's okay. I need someone like this. His eyes gleam into mine again.

He kisses me, grabbing me into a trance. Or what felt like a kiss. "I'm sorry," TD cries. I didn't know what to say or believe. "Father is right," TD closes off.

"Kyle?" As I say those words my mind shuts off. Luna lays onto my lap trying to comfort me. I felt frozen, I think we both did. Like time stopped for the both of us and we couldn't do anything about it.

I wake up freezing cold in bed with no memory of last night. I tried the hardest to remember what had happened. The last time this happened TD appeared and I found out demons are real.

I hope something just as bad doesn't happen. I need a break. I get up and get dressed. I feel exhausted and my head felt like it pulsed all in my sleep. At some point, I had given up trying to remember. I'll just watch some tv.

As soon as I got downstairs I saw TD. He looks so displeased. He's not even looking at me.

"Good morning," I greet. He says nothing. "You're in a grumpy mood."

TD stares into his empty coffee cup. "We don't have to pretend."

"Pretend about what?"

"You don't remember I can tell. You're not lying," TD confirms.

"Did I miss something," I feel confused?

"I just have to deal with that shit internally," Kyle(?) engages.

"You can talk to me," I put my hands on his hand.

TD pulls his hand away. "Is it bad you forget the important things, Chris? You don't remember at all."

"Now you can't even remember what happened last night. Maybe I can't either. I need some air." He drops the mug and it breaks into 8 (∞) exact pieces. I try cleaning it but he pushes my hand away. My body was tempted to hold him.

"You always make me tell you what's wrong. Everytime I ask you it's a problem. You won't let me be by your side," I could feel myself getting upset.

"I don't need you by my side," he told off.

"What's that even mean? You're always by my side."

"One of us needs the other more...I'm going to Luna's house."

TD leaves me. I stand by the broken glass. I just stand there motionless.

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