Chapter 25: Where Dreams Come True (City of Love)

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[Gael's perspective] "Dad where are we going?"

"You know I've been working my ass off," I snap. "Pack your bags, extra just in case."

"Mom, why are we packing our bags?"

"Your father says it's a precaution for a case like this. So if we need to leave we'll be ready."

"I'm not leaving," Loyalty refuses.

"Yes you are and it's only if we need to. I'd let you stay, but if I did I'd be a bad father. Something I am not."

"Multa. (Fine)."

"Ojalá ustedes dos no fueran tan agresivos conmigo. (I wish you two weren't so pushy towards me)."'

Loyalty packs a few outfits and a to-go bathroom bag. "I'll be back home by ten and keep your phones on you in case," I order. I kiss my wife goodbye.

My walkie-talkie turns on, "Sir we just got a call about Vincent Ales. They spotted him around Ms. Pérez house."

"I'm heading out now." I hop into my police car and turn on my sirens. I get there in five minutes top. I bang on the door. "Hello is anyone home."

Ms.Pérez opens the door. "What can I help you with Gael?"

"I need to come in. We believe a suspect is currently in your house." I show her my warrant.

"Of course, come in," she opens the door.

"What is he doing here," I point at the skinny Chris.

"How's he got to do with anything?" Ms.Pérez questions my intentions.

"Because his father is the suspect," I explain.

"What's going on," the tall Asian guy comes out of nowhere.

"It's none of your business," I push him out the way. He growls back at me. I search the first level of the house. I walk up the stairs and check every single room. "Could you open the garage for me," I ask Ms.Pérez. She opens it up and I end up with nothing.

"You can piss off now," the Asian guy fumed.

"Chris come here," I order.

Chris turns to me unbothered. "Why would I do that?"

"Cause I said so. Your talking back to law."

He rolls his eyes.

"I'll found out where you're hiding him," I grab him by the collar and punch him.

Ms.Pérez gasps in shock and the Asian guy barges towards me. "Please don't," Ms.Percez holds him back.

"That's what you get for fucking with my daughter. I'm glad you aren't together anymore. You didn't deserve her and now your gonna suffer for it."

"Fuck you," Chris spits his blood on me.

"Get away from my son Gael," Vince comes out. "How dare you put your hands on him. He didn't do anything wrong."

"You are under arrest," I handcuff him.

"Let go of my dad," Chris yells.

"There's nothing you can do to stop me. This is long deserved. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law."

"You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future." Ms.Pérez cries as Chris does nothing.

1 day later. Vincent Ales's arrest had already made headlines. Everyone congrats me, but it's not over yet. We still need to find Jimmy. We tried getting Vince to talk, but he's not cracking.

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