Chapter 18: Dark Days

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[Gael's perspective] Once I got that blood sample the whole police station went crazy. Down in the laboratory, Gretta found the blood has a -H blood type. Something we have ever heard of. No one in this world. I've been keeping my eyes on Chris. Snooping around his house. Even around Alejandro's.

I think it's funny how I saw the Korean guy at the pawnshop and he just happens to be associated with Chris. They're probably working for someone. I don't trust either of them. Even now Chris is dating my daughter.

I know he's going to break her heart. Dad sees the future like no other. So far, in the case, I have the ring and information on the group of people working with Milano at the time. Joe who is now dead, Vincent, Jimmy, Bobo, Ricky, and some other guys. Most of them are dead.

Vincent and Jimmy left town around the same time Miliano died. Leading me to think they both have something to do with his death. I just got to catch one of them.

[Chris's perspective] I cried all the way back home. What kind of man would say something like that to his son? He doesn't care at all. I see why Mom and him didn't end up together. I park the car in the garage of Alejandro's house.

It's late so I won't have to go to school. It was no point in staying in Canada since I've completed my failed mission. Happy thoughts, even though there's nothing to be happy about.

"Chris your back!" TD opens the door for me. "How'd it go," he asks.

"Bad. He's an asshole. He said he wants to protect me. From what? from mom?, If it's it's way too late for that," I go on.

"I'm sorry to hear that but you need to calm down.. Well, you know what they say about people who go to Canada. They're either running from something or hiding from something.

"What's the difference," I ask genuinely confused.

"Oh, there's a difference," TD nods his head.

"What I miss while I was gone?"

"Luna called me. We're going out for dinner tonight."

"Patching up the relationship I see," I laugh.

"No, it's not that, just two old friends having a good conversation."

"She probably wants to ride you."

TD throws a wrench at me. I dodge it of course. "Good reflexes," he chuckles. "Oh shit, I almost forgot. Some cop was looking for you. Gael I think," TD scratches his chin.

"No shit that isn't good. Do you not realize if the police are on our ass that causes a lot of problems."

"I do," he says. "I'll handle it. Just go in and tell the truth."

"The truth that I'm being stalked by killer demons," I laugh in his face.

"No about your disorder. Going off your meds will explain the bloody noses. Your body is adapting without the frequent use of drugs. Just say it's a overreaction and that your doctor said in a week's time you'll be fine," TD explains.

"And then what," I concern.

"You can handle it from there trust me, trust yourself."

"First how could you possibly forget to mention the most important thing, a cop most likely wants to instigate me. Yet, you mention Luna first," I rant.

"You seem to mention Loyalty a lot and I don't complain. Just go into the police station and I'll handle the rest."

It felt like TD was dissing me or something. He drives me to the police and I ask for Gael. I'm scared, this is my first time being in a place like this but at least it's on free will. A cop takes me to the integration room and sit me down.

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