Chapter 17: Party At My House (prt.2)

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[Selene's perspective] "Selene we are disappointed with you." Papa looks like he's about to go off on me. "We've noticed an increase in your energy. You don't sleep as much. Most of all your grades are trouble."

"Maybe I'm just changing," I laugh.

"You think this is a joke but we're worried about you."

"Everyone at church is talking about you," Papa gets angry.

"You look like a drug addict. Just two weeks ago you passed the test you've had been working so hard on."

"People change in 2 weeks," I hesitate to lie more.

"We're sending you away to a Catholic school. We can't take care of someone who doesn't want to take care of themself. Or maybe it's the fact we found this."

Papa slams a pack of coke onto the table. I throw up all over the floor. "Oh my," Mom looks down at it. "See it's true our baby is a drug addict.

"I don't feel so good," I wipe my mouth.

[Vince's perspective] We come up with the plan to kill and rob Miliano Italiano. We'd take some cash and get away with the girls. Nobody wants to be in this sick town. It's just a decoy for whatever the hell going on under this place.

Then I'll bail Dad out. We can be with Mom again. My phone rings in my pocket. "Hello," I answer Selene's call.

"My parents are sending me away," she cries.

"Shit really."

"Yes, they don't want me staying there anymore."

I noticed a lot lately Selene's been overusing. I'm should be more worried and she's been sick a lot. Yet, I find myself finding her sneaking some in her system.

I've done this to her. I've gotten her addicted to that rot. It's gonna be my fault if something happens. I go deeper into my head with thoughts of worse things that could happen. "Fuck your parents, come stay with me we'll figure this out."

"Okay," she huffs and puffs.

"See you soon," I kiss her through the phone." I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but what I do know is that I love her. I'd marry her now if I could. I just need to find a way to help her. It's my fault she's like this.

I was just trying to avoid my feelings. Feelings I can't understand yet. She helps me block them. I go home and meet Selene there. She has a small hello kitty bag with her. "Thanks for letting me stay here. It feels like I'm running away from home."

"You are, it's best if you just stay here for now." I grab her bag and unlock the door. I hear loud banging from upstairs. "You hear that," Selene worries.

I grab Dad's old baseball bat and I go upstairs. "Your robbing the wrong house," I yell across the house.

The noise is coming from Jimmy's room. I kick open the locked door. "Don't hurt me no more," Kiara tries kicking Jimmy.

"You dumb hoe, shut up!" Jimmy gripped Kiara's hand pinning her to the ground.

I pull him off her. "No more excuses. You keep hurting her. You lied, Jimmy."

I help Kiara off the floor. Selene walks in. "Again," she cries. "Come on," she pulls Kiara away.

"How long?"

"It's none of your business," Jimmy barks back at me.

"Since the party," Kiara hopelessly admits.

"Touch her again and your dead," my accent comes out.

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