Chapter 8: Smart Girl

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[Selene Bryne's perspective] The Past(2002): Of course, I was still tired. I stayed up all night studying for the algebra test. I better pass. "Pancakes are ready," Mama calls out. I run downstairs.

"They smell so good." I pour a bunch of maple syrup on my pancakes.

"Where's Papa?"

"He went to work early. You hungry baby," Mama looks at me funny.

I stuff three cut pancakes in my mouth. "My stomach is a black hole right now. I've been studying so hard for that test."

"Which you're gonna pass," Mama high-fives me.

I finish quickly and go onto the bus. Kiara meets me there. We both hug each other. "We're gonna pass that test," we both say. I notice Vince standing over by the stop sign. Jimmy and him whispered something.

I guess he felt me looking at him cause he looked my way. Vince smiled at me and Jimmy smiled at Kiara. "Those boys are something else. Ain't nobody falling for their good looks," Kiara rolls her eyes.

"You basically just called them cute," I laugh at her.

"Whatever." We go onto the bus and the boys do the same. The boys go into the back as we sit in the middle.

"Hey, do you think we're gonna get boyfriends this year?"

"Girl, boys are stupid," Kiara insisted.

"Says the one who drools over boy bands."

"Oh, girl they're saved by the Gods. No regular boy gonna treat you well," Kiara laughs in my face.

I look over to Vince smoking a cigarette but turn back around. "Well, I think we're pretty. So we have a chance," I give in.

"You think she's hot, don't you," Jimmy says.

"Man I didn't say that, but she is," Vincent gives in too. He looks at me and I could feel him staring.

"Kiara got a body of a goddess," Jimmy drools.

"Did you hear that," I ask Kiara.

"I'm trying to pretend I didn't," she rolls her eyes.

"That's probably the best compliment you ever heard in your life."

"You ain't lying," we joke around. Once we get to school we go into class.

"I hope you all studied for the test. This will affect your lives forever," Mr.Bald grins. He's never a happy man. Always frowning at people and telling them rude things. Vince put his feet up on the empty desk in front of him.

"Vince put your feet down," Mr.Bald frowns.

"Nah, I'm good." He chews on a wooden toothpick.

"Haha very funny. I'll allow you to keep your ugly, dusty, crusty feet up, but you better pass this test." Mr.Bald starts the timer.

I know all the answers. As hard as I worked on this. Mama and Papa are gonna be proud. An hour passes. "When I call your names these are the five people who got a 100%. Kiara, Selene, Vince, Eric, and Yaya."

I go up to get my test with full excitement. The fact that me and my bestie passed. "Told you we're gonna pass it." No girl I told you," Kiara snaps her fingers.

"I actually pay attention in your class," Vince talks to Mr.Bald.

"You sure sound confident. Vincent Ales."

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