The Other Brother

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Estella stumbled on the ground, gritting her teeth as spells flew overhead. "What did you get us into Ronald?"

Ron appeared not to hear her as a band of Snatchers approached them, their smiles nasty.

"It appears we have some fresh meat boys," one growled, motioning for the others to surround the pair.

Estella flicked her wand, sending a quick jinx into two of their chests. The Snatchers' bodies crumpled to the ground. Grabbing Ron's hand, she tried to ignore how clammy it was. Did Hermione honestly want this? With a spin, they disapparated into the cold air.

Estella panted wildly as her feet found solid ground on the cobblestone street. Big Ben could be heard above them, chiming dutifully into the night of London.

Ron looked at her in surprise. "You saved my life." He frowned, flexing his toes. "But I think I lost a few toenails."

Estella rolled her eyes as she pulled out her purse, conjuring a few potions. "Here. These will help heal them.. And your shoulder." She tossed them at Ron, who barely caught them. "Get home and find your family."

Ron stared at her uncertainly, his eyes wide. "What about you?"

Estella shook her head. "We have no way of finding Harry and Hermione. They could be anywhere," she turned and her face was illuminated by the passing cars. "I'm going to track down Draco."

There was a pause as Ron opened his mouth, seemed to think better of it, and nodded. "Right. Well," he looked at her curiously. "You're not so bad."

Estella smiled, feeling a rise of disbelief. "Thanks Ronald, you find that family of yours." She paused, staring him down. "And trust me, Hermione won't be too happy when you come back."

The colour drained from Ron's face as he swallowed nervously. "Right then," he cast one last glance in her direction before he turned, disappearing once more.

Estella sighed, rubbing her hands together in the frigid air. She didn't even know where to start looking. Glancing at a huddled figure on the side of the street, she debated whether or not to ask for directions.

"Just spit it out," the cloak fell down to reveal a grizzled man. "I can feel yeh wanting to ask something."

Estella's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh.. er.." she paused, wondering where to go first.

The man's eyes narrowed. "Step into the light."

Estella froze, her heart beating rapidly.

"You can reveal yourself, or I'll start screaming." The man shifted forward, the light illuminating his features.

Estella gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. "Professor?"

Twinkling blue eyes glimmered from behind heavily wrinkled skin.

The man gave a low chuckle. "Not Albus.. His mystery brother, Aberforth. Now," Aberforth stood as he reached for his wand. "Who are you?"

Estella stepped forward, raising her hands high. "Estella.."

"Lestrange," Aberforth dropped his wand, but his eyes scanned hers unpleasantly. "You look like a mirror image of your mother."

"An unfortunate inheritance," Estella snapped feeling self conscious.

Aberforth threw back his head and let out a dark chuckle. "Touche.." he raised an eyebrow. "I don't like being compared to Albus much either." At Estella's silence, he shook his head. "I see why he liked you."

A wave of sadness washed over Estella. "He tal.. Talked about me?"

Aberforth shrugged. "Sometimes. Always talked too much though, figured it was useless to pay attention."

Estella looked at Aberforth in shock. She had never heard someone refer to Dumbledore so casually.

Aberforth frowned. "My brother always had his own plans, and seemed to get the wrong kind of people mixed up with them." He gestured towards her. "Like what are you doing out here alone, with Christmas right around the corner?"

Estella settled against the bus stop, feeling a wave of loneliness. "Looking for Draco."

"Malfoy?" Aberforth snorted, drawing his cloak around his shoulders. "Saw the little rodent not long ago. Went down to Diagon Alley, he did."

Estella straightened, a rush of relief filling her. "When?"

Aberforth waved his hand, ignoring her excitement. "A few hours ago. Don't know why you're so excited, that boy is a pest."

Estella smiled slightly. "He sure is. But he and I are looking for our friend."

"Ah," Aberforth settled back against the brick wall. "I'm here on watch for the Order for a few more hours.."

Estella interrupted, unable to contain herself as her hands wrung together. "Why are you being so trusting?" She paused, feeling a wave of embarrassment. "Most people see me and turn away."

"One, I'm a good judge of character," Aberforth shrugged, taking a swig out his flask. "You seem alright. Two, my brother told me all about Penny Blackwood, so I know who yeh are already. Three," he met her gaze unwaveringly. "You just seem like a girl who has chosen a lonely path."

Estella's mouth opened slightly, as she stared at the man. "You're right," with a sigh, she leaned against the wall beside him. "I have no one left."

"What a load of rubbish," Aberforth grunted, wiping his mouth with his hand. "The whole bloody Order is fighting for you, whether they know it or not."

Estella hesitated. "But they think I'm a traitor. So do Hermione and Harry. They don't even know I'm Penny too and you should see the way they look at me," her voice warbled.

"Well isn't that what you asked for?" Aberforth tilted his head slightly as he looked at her. "You knew going in there would be sacrifices."

Estella felt a rush of shame. "Yes. I just didn't think I would be this alone."

Aberforth shook his head as he stood, offering her the flask. "Listen kid, I may just be a crazy old man, but I know a few things. And one of the biggest ones is the sooner you realize that most people just don't care, the better." He paused before turning away. "And the ones that do.. Well you have to fight to hold on to them."

Estella watched in silence as he turned to disappear down the alley.

"Be careful, Lestrange. And try the Weasley place."

"Thank you!" Estella called at his figure.

Aberforth waved a hand in recognition and then he was gone. 

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