Into London

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Estella fell to the ground, emptying out the contents of her stomach. After a few moments, she swallowed the bile in her throat and stood.

Draco and Amelie stood looking at her, her mother's expression unreadable, while Draco seemed to be in shock.

"You destroyed my bloody house!" Draco's eyes were wide. "And Bellatrix is your MOTHER?"

"Did she surprise you in that order?" Amelie snorted, looking at Draco in dry humor.

Estella managed a small chuckle as she tried to calm her nerves. "Where are we?" She peered around, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness.

"An alleyway in London," her mother answered briskly. "Not far from the Ministry."

Estella frowned. "Isn't that dangerous.."

She was cut off by Draco, who shook his head firmly. "No. No way are we strolling down the streets of London to have tea. I want answers." He turned, looking at Amelie. "I thought you were evil." He then stared at Estella. "And I have no bloody idea who you are."

Estella began to laugh as a wave of relief filled her chest. They were safe. "I'm your cousin, Draco."

Draco looked disgusted. "More psychotic family members."

Estella smacked him on the shoulder and Draco flinched.

"I have to go."

Estella turned at Amelie's words, feeling her heart rate increase rapidly. "Why? But they know you are a spy!"

Amelie smiled, joy on her face. "I know."

Draco looked extremely worried. "I am surrounded by insanity."

Estella's mother turned to look at the pale boy. "You could have been my son in a different life."

She turned to Estella, her eyes dark. "I have heard word from the Order that Potter and his friends are in the area. I have an idea of what they're looking for and it is at the Ministry. I am going to meet up with some of the Order members and find Albert. He will be wanting to know where I am."

Estella's mouth hung upon as her lips spread into a grin. "You're brilliant."

Amele shook her head brusquely. "Nonsense. I am just finally free." She turned to apparate, meeting Estella's eyes one more time. "Be careful."

With that, she was gone. Estella stared at the stones where her mother had disappeared before turning away. Draco was gaping in disbelief.

"How would she have been my mother?"

Estella snorted and shook her head as she made her way onto the street. "Don't worry about it. Your hair is gray enough already."

Draco ran to catch up with her, panting heavily. "What is that supposed to mean?"

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