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The next five days I felt fine. Just really hungry. I lay on the sofa eating a pickle. Jasper has my legs across him rubbing them. He flips the channel to a cooking show. It looked really good! They were making pasta with garlic bread. ''Hungry?" jasper asked. "Yes." I smile finishing my pickle. "Want pasta? I know it's your favorite." I laugh "Babe, We just woke up. It's too early for a lunch item." He shrugs moving my feet. "Anything for the Queen." He goes to the kitchen. I sit up watching the Cupcake Wars. That's when i catch the smell of sauce and chicken. I felt nausea. Then it came up and i covered my mouth sprinting to the bathroom. I fell to the floor throwing up. Jasper came in grabbing my hair for me. "Thanks" I give a small smile. "In sickness and health, remember?" I nod sitting against the sink. "It was the smell, it got to me. Could you grab my bag?" I wipe my mouth on a towel.  He hands me my bag. I look for my toothbrush and medicine when i see a box of pads. Wait a damn minute.... Jasper frowns at me. "What is it?" I stand up and look in the bathroom mirror. "How many days has it been since the wedding?" Jasper shrugs " Fourteen. Why?"  I turn to the side. I'm too scared to pull my shirt up. "Will you tell me what's going on?" I look at him " I'm late. My period, it's late." I get enough courage and left my shirt up. A there i see a huge bump. "That's impossible." he whispers coming close to me. "Can this happen?" i ask him scared. Suddenly I feel movement in my stomach. " Whoa!" I place my hand on my stomach. Just then his phone rings. He keeps his eyes on my stomach answering it. "Alice...." He exits the room. 

 I touch my stomach feeling more movement. I looked down at the round belly and teared up. I'm going to be a mom.....My heart skipped a beat. This was really happening!! It was a miracle! I looked behind me and then spoke to baby. "Hi, this is your mommy speaking to you. I love you even though I just found out about you.." My voice cracked "I will protect you until I die." I heard footsteps and turned. "Yeah, yeah, I will." he ended the call and looked at me. "Well?" He frowns "Bella is also pregnant. They were concerned for you but its kinda too late. Carlisle wants us home as soon as we can. Were leaving tonight." I follow him to our room were he packs fast. "What's going to happen to our baby?" Jasper froze "Carlisle will get that thing out." I frowned "Thing? Jasper its a baby. Our baby."  He gets our bag and walks out leaving me alone. I sit on our bed tears falling down my face. A second later Jasper came in. "Alaska..." I push past him. "Don't touch me." i sniffle. We had to take the boat back which was a very silent ride. And then took a car to the Rio airport to take a personal plane ride so we got there faster. " Wait here while we load." As he leaves I take out my phone. I call Bella.

Me:  Bella?

Bella: Alaska.

Me: We have to protect our babies...We can't let Carlisle harm them.

Bella: I agree, we need to call Rose. She can help us. She understands more then anyone.

Me: Jasper is coming. Make the call to her. Were getting on the plane.

Bella: So are we. I'll make it quick.

Me: Bye Bells

I hang up tucking it in my pocket.

Jasper opens the door and I board the plane with thoughts on how to protect my baby.

 Jacob's House

Billy smiled as his son walked in. He didn't know how to tell him the girls were back and sick...He knew it meant they were vampires. " Hey, Son." Jacob looked behind him and saw Charlie. "What's going on?" he asked referring to Charlie. Billy sighed " Bella called him." He pushed passed him. Charlie gave him a sad smile " Hey, haven't seen you in a while. You okay?" Jacob cut to the point "So, you finally heard from Bella?" Charlie nodded "They're extending their trip. Seems she caught a bug. They wanna wait until she feels better before they travel. "Jacob holds in a growl " She's sick?" Charlie nods " Yeah, she told me not to worry, but she sounded, I don't know, off. It seems Alaska caught the same bug as her." Sue gives him his breakfast " She'll be okay, Charlie. Come on. Let's eat." Billy grabs Jake before he can leave " Jacob, let it go." Jacob pulled away from him. He took his phone out calling Embry.

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