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For the next 5 days i was hanging with Edward becoming great friends with him. We ice skated and he played piano with me. I learned more about him and his family and his problem with Bella.

Tanya still refused to come out her room no matter what i did. Still upset about Edward. But i wasn't about to give up.

For the fifth time today i knocked on her door. "Tanya, please come out. I miss you! I just wanna talk..." I placed my ear on the door hoping to hear her but It was silent. "If i leave you alone tonight you have to come out tomorrow." I waited for a response but got nothing. "Knock once for no and twice for yes." I waited again. I sighed finally giving up. I walked away and the heard her knock.



I smiled and placed one hand against the door. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too" she whispered back. I looked down at Holly. "Lets go to bed girl." She wagged her tail excited. I walked down the hall to my room. When I saw light coming from Irina's room. "Irina?" I smiled peeking inside only to see a man instead of her. I frowned backing away.

His skin was a rich brown and he had black dreads with bright Red eyes. Meaning he killed humans! "Why, a snowflake" He smiled at me. "You must be the snack that was off limits for me. Im Laurent" He touched my hair slowly making my pulse race. Holly barked at him.I was frozen in fear. Someone help me!

"You-you cant harm me! My family will-" "Do nothing. I'm Irina's mate.You think they'l kill me for you?" He looked at Holly and kicked her hard. She flew into the wall across the way falling to the ground, blood pooling around her. "Holly!" I cried screaming her name. He chuckled and shoved me against the wall covering my mouth.

"Since you made me smile, I will make this quick and painless." His eyes grew big and he barked his fangs at me. I closed my eyes a tear falling down. I was going to die.....

He lifted me off the ground my feet dangling and then i hit the floor with a hard thud. I saw Edward fangs barked now and Laurent shoved into the wall smashing a hole into it. "You okay?" He glanced at me. I nodded my head holding my throat.  Laurent attacked him shoving him over the glass railing.

Laurent made his way to me and grabbed me by my throat again holding me high in the air. "Let her go!?" I saw Tanya from the corner of my eyes. "Alaska!" My mother screamed. Behind him my parents closed in reading to kill him "Put our daughter down or else!" My father growled. 

He looked at my family surrounding him. "Unless you want to be electrified asshole!" Kate growled showing her power to him. He looked right into my eyes. I smiled right back at him. He growled and dropped me on the floor. I coughed grabbing my throat trying to get air back in my lungs. I watched as Kate grabbed his shoulder, shocking him. "Stop!" Irina yelled pushing Kate a foot away from him. "Are you okay?'' She asked him checking every part of him. "Irina, he tried to kill Alaska! Move!" Tanya growled inching closer to him. "No, he would never!" Irina defended him. "Irina, the deal was, he could stay if he left our sister alone. He attacked her and killed poor Holly! If Edward wasn't here, he would have killed her!" Tanya defended me. 

Holly! I ran down the stairs to Holly. She laid down whimpering as I carefully moved her head. "Holly...." I cried hugging her close. She licked my cheek one last time before I watched her take one last breath. I dropped my head saying a silent prayer for her. 

"She's not even our real sister! I am! I should come first before her, yet you always put Alaska first!" Irina yelled. I looked up with tears in my eyes. My heart broke even more... "Irina!" Tanya and Kate hissed together. "Alaska..." My mother came to my side. I pushed her away and went outside. I heard more yelling, but I didn't want to be a part of it. I just needed to be alone to mourn over my best friend. I sat on the porch steps and hugged myself in tears. My poor Holly... She didn't deserve to die. She was my best friend....my only friend. 

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