Drowning without you

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I sat at the table at Emily's eating a muffin. I was super tried after staying up last night writing some music. 

I heard yelling and grinned to myself knowing Embry and Jared we're back. I dropped my muffin down and ran out the door, outside and jumped into Embry's arms kissing him. He laughed kissing me back before setting me down. That when I noticed Bella behind them her eyes staring right at me. Looks like she found out on her own. 

Embry looks at Jared wrapping an arm around me. "Pay up. She didn't puke." Jared, annoyed, hands Embry five bucks. "Told you she was tough. She does run with bloodsuckers." Embry smiles happy he was right. "So does.... whatever Alaska is to you." Jared says back.

 I chuckle. at them "What happened to make you guys bet on Bella?" I ask them. "Jacob and Paul got into it. Shifting in front of her." Bella frowns stopping in her tracks. "Wait. We should go back, make sure Jacob's okay." Jared grins at her. " I hope Paul gets some teeth in him. Serve him right." I hit Jared in his head frowning.

 "Hey!" He growls rubbing his head. "No way. Jake's a natural. You see him phase on the fly? I gotta fiver says Paul doesn't touch him." Embry bets. I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Seriously, you're betting again." Jared chuckles at us." Easy money. Paul's been at it longer. " I shove Embry and walk up the stairs. Bella looks at them, appalled. "Come on in. They won't bite." I smile at her. " Speak for yourself." Jared smirks going in. I shove him through the door making him laugh. Bella warily walks up the stairs, joining us. 

Embry pauses at the door. "Oh, hey, about Emily - Sam's fiancée - just try not to stare. It bugs Sam." Bella looks at me with a confused look. "Why would I stare?" I smile. "You'll see." I sit at the table and Embry lifts me up putting me on his lap. I laugh at him and grab my half-eaten muffin.

 Bella looks at Emily. She's at the counter, popping fresh muffins out of a tin. " You guys hungry? Like I have to ask..." Emily looks toward us now -- showing the other side of her face, A scar runs from hairline to chin, three red lines that pull down her eye and twist her mouth. I remember the story behind it when I also saw her. 

Sam got angry and shifted. Emily was to close, and he got her in the process. Sam regrets it and always feels guilty. " Who's this?" She asks placing another tray on the table. As Jared and Embry beeline for the muffins. "Bella Swan. Who else?" Jared grins stuffing his mouth. "Kim must think you're so attractive!" I grin throwing a crumb at him. "Very." he mumbles back to me his mouth stuffed.  I chuckle laying my head on Embry's chest picking at my muffin suddenly not very hungry. 

"So, you're the other vampire girl." Emily grins at Bella. "And you're the wolf's girl" Bella says. Emily grins. "I'm mean I guess, I am engaged to one. And expecting a little one. But these animals -- " She slaps Embry's hand as he reaches for his thrid one. " Save some for your brothers." She growls at him.

 Bella cautiously approaches the counter, keeping an eye on the door most likely so she can see Jacob first. "Leave it to Jacob to get around Sam's gag order." Emily grins. "He didn't say anything, or... couldn't. " Bella try's to explain. 

"That's a wolf thing. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want to or not -- " Embry explains. "How 'bout you shut up now, Embry?" Jared kicks him. " You know Jacob's going to fill her in." I speak. 

"Yeah, I know every stupid thought he has." Jared jokes and then looks at Bella. "Wanna know what he thinks of you?" Emily smiles up at her. " Like you need special powers to know that." Embry whispers to Bella. "It's another wolf thing. We hear each other's thoughts. Good for hunting. Embarrassing for everything else." Jared leans to Bella, challenging. "Freaking out yet?" Bella meets his look. "You're not the first -- mind reader I've met." I smile at her. Edward. Embry grins. " Jake's right. You are good with the weird." 

 " But I don't get -- how? Why? --" Sam walks in cutting Bella off. " Because there are bad things here." She spins - Sam is now standing behind her, the front door open behind him. "And they're getting worse." Sam says. Bella makes a face looking chilled to the bone. Sam moves past her to Emily. The sight of her instantly warms his face. "Hey, Em" he smiles at her. He kisses Emily's scarred face adoringly. Bella looks away. Their utter devotion is a painful reminder of what she has lost. I used to do the same but now I just admire what I can't have. Fortunately, she's distracted by --Jacob and Paul's arrival. They laugh and jab one another. Jacob is unscathed. Jared and Embry crowd them, finding a scar on Paul's arm. "Ha! Pay up." Embry tells Jared. I roll my eyes. As Jared reluctantly hands Embry five bucks again, Jacob's eyes find Bella's. He nods solemnly to the door. I smile as they leave.

Victoria Pov
It was easy controlling the steering wheel with two fingers. I smile at my latest victims. " James hated cars. He liked being close to the ground. But I'd steal one occasionally, to throw him off the scent..." I looked in the mirror. " See, we played hide and seek sometimes. No one can hide like me." I grin at the passengers "but no one could seek like James." The women was barely conscious. Her name was Denise she was in her 30's, a pretty bleach-blonde with expensive jewelry.  " What -- what are you --?" She mumbled. "Some games lasted months... but we always got hungry for each other. " I grinned recalling the memory. " So, I'd let him find me..." Denise now lucid, looks around and notice her husband. His name was Michael. He was already dead and very delicious. He was well-dressed in a turtleneck, in his 40's. Denise reaches for him. "Michael? Oh my God " she cries. "We never could get enough of each other..." My chest hurts missing him. " We would have had forever to try." I growled. Denise, scared, shakes Michael's arm. " Michael?!" She yells. which causes Michael's head to roll to the side, revealing his gouged, blood-soaked neck and his vacant, deadeyes. Denise starts screaming. Hearing screams makes me smile. "James always loved a screamer." I grab a fistful of Denise's hair. I yank Denise over, exposing her neck just as I take a bite. Draining her till no pulse....

I laugh with Emily drinking coffee. We hear a knock on the door. I go over and open to see Bella. The rain falling around her, wind blowing strong. "Bella. Are you okay?" I frown. She looks out of it. "Yeah, I just... is Jacob here? He wasn't at home..." Sam appears behind me. "He's with Jared and Embry, keeping an eye on things. I'm heading out soon. Should I tell him something?" Emily joins his side. Sam wraps an arm around her. Bella makes a pained face. " You want to come in?" Emily asks. But Bella's already hurrying to her truck, determination on her face. I look at them and then back at her. Something is just not right.... I grab my jacket and head out following her.

Bella's truck comes to a stop; she climbs out. I park my car next to her quickly getting out. What the hell is she doing at the cliffs. Ignoring the wind and rain, she strides to the cliff's edge; looks down. I hurry and rush to her side as she strips her shoes and jacket off. She's going to jump! The water isn't safe for this at the moment. The Water is steely gray. Rough whitecaps. "Bella...don't do it." I move towards her. She smiles, tears of relief springing to her eyes. Does she see Edward? 

She steps back from the cliff's edge. She starts pulling off her bracelets and throwing her phone on the ground. "Bella Edward wouldn't want you to jump!" I frown at her. "Ya, well he left me! Cause I wasn't enough!" Tears fall down her face. 

I've never seen her cry before. I look down at the water and then sighed also stripping down. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Jumping with you. If you jump, so do I." We both got close to the edge holding hands. Oh god, this is so adrenaline pumping. "Stop this now, Alaska." 

Jasper is by my side. Bella squeezes my hand, and we jump together. Air hits my chest and i feel my heart sink into my chest the breeze hitting my face hard.  

We hit the water and I quickly swim towards the top coming up to the surface and look for Bella. I panic not seeing her. "Bella!" I yell looking around for her. She pops up taking a deep breath and laughs! I smile at her joining in. We enjoy a moment of elation and empowerment... then turn to swim ashore... our smile falters when we realize how strong the current is...A wave crashes over our head. I gasp for breath. Then ANOTHER WAVE hits me. It starts to pull me under... I struggle underwater, my lungs on fire. Another wave hits me pushing me into the rocks. I feel pain in my head and then see Blood in the water. My vision gets hazy. I see Bella flouting and then I see Jasper flouting next to me.

 Looks like we both were going to die....At least we were dying together.....Right?

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