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No ones pov

Eric stared at the Denali sisters. " They have got to be related." Mike nodded dazed by there beauty. "What a gene pool." Jessica rolled her eyes at him. " You've got some... drool." Mike wiped his mouth. Jessica grinned whispering to Angela. " So, you think there gonna be showing?" Angela couldn't believe her friend. "Jess, they are not pregnant." Jessica chuckles. "Okay. Who else gets married at 18?" 

Bella is very nervous as they are about to walk down the aisle. Behind her is a also very nervous Alaska waiting with her father. Bella was up first and Alaska would follow after she made it to Edward.

Alaska pov

I held onto my father for dear life. "You ready snowflake?" I smiled at my old nickname my father gave me. "Yes daddy. Just don't let me fall." My dad kissed my head. " Never. " As Bella's music cuts it's my turn.

 I feel sick to my stomach now. My dad looks at me "Don't forget, you'll always be my little girl." He wipes my tears. I clutch onto my flowers and his arm taking a deep breath. 

I start walking down slowly looking at each person

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I start walking down slowly looking at each person. My heart starts to speed up. And then I see him. Our eyes meet and I see our future clear as day. This was the person I was meant to be with. He was my forever... 

We make it to the altar. Dad gives him my hand. I stare into his golden eyes a smile appearing on both our faces. 

Minister:Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. And Jasper Cullen and Alaska Denali. Please repeat after me. 

Edward: I, Edward Cullen.

Jasper: I, Jasper Cullen

Minister: Take you.

 Edward: Take you, Bella Swan.

Jasper: Take you, Alaska Denial

 Minister: To have and to hold.

And then all of a sudden it was just us. Everyone disappeared. 

Jasper:To have and to hold.  

Alaska: For better or for worse. 

Jasper: For richer, for poorer.

 Alaska: In sickness and in health.

 Jasper: To love. 

Alaska: To cherish.

Both: As long as we both shall live. 

Jasper: I do. 

Alaska: I do.

 Jasper: I love you

 Alaska: I love you too

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