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Jacob faces Bella and Edward. Embry was next to him. They're in the center of the field. Jasper stands several paces behind Edward. Jasper didn't like this idea at all. He didn't even want Embry near me...but he had no choice if he was going to keep me safe. Jacob grinned at Edward "You're not fighting? What, you pull a muscle or something?" Bella smiled at him. " He's doing it for me. Okay?"  Jacob looks at her, at Edward, shakes his head with dispain. Jacob sighs "Whatever. Just tell us the plan."  Jasper steps forward slightly. "This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's and Alaska's scent. It needs to end here." I add the next part. "Edward, Bella, and I are going on a campsite. Even if they carry us, they'll still pick up our scents." Edward grinned " Your stench, however, is revolting."  Jacob growled moving forward "Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks." I go between them. " What he means, is that your scent will mask ours if you carry us." Jacob nods. " Done." Edward and Jasper get tense. "This is not a good idea." Edward sighs.  Jasper nods "I agree but they won't want to get anywhere near there... odor." He says trying to sound nice. Bella sighs "Okay, let's just try it."  Edward finally nods. She extends her arms to Jacob. He grins, picks her up, holding her tight. I let go of Jasper's hand and walk to Embry. He smiles at me before picking me up. He starts to run but slows down halfway through. " After the fight I'm leaving for a few months. Just until the wedding is over and you've been turned." He says out of the blue. I nod my head not saying a word. "Can you at least act like you care?" He groans. " Em, I do care. But this is your choice. Every choice has it's consequences. Some more than others. I'm not going to tell you how to stop feeling. Even if you try to tell me how I feel." Embry rolls his eyes. " You can love more than one person at a time. I've seen it, with Sam, Emily, and Leah." I throw him a dirty look. "Okay, let's get one thing straight. I'm not Bella. Your not Jacob. And Jasper is not Edward. Stop applying what happens with them to us!" I look away. " I love you as a friend or brother. That's not going to change. Ever."  Embry stays silent. Then specks up. "  I know you feel something for me. I can sense how I make you feel... Physically. I make you nervous." Embry pulls me closer, making me nervous. I push him back. "Down boy."  Embry grins " Don't worry. I promised I wouldn't kiss you again until you asked." I laugh. "You're going to be keeping that promise for a while, Em. "He grins running again to the campsite.


Tonight Jasper was having a movie date with me before the fight tomorrow. We were going to stay in our room all day. Tomorrow was camping and then a fight the first thing in the morning. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I smiled. Adia jumped on the bed laying her head in my lap. "Adia, your aren't a baby anymore! You can't just jump up here!" I laugh petting her. I expected Jasper but instead saw Edward. "Edward?" He grinned at me closing the door. "Hey, I just had a question to ask." I smile at him. " Go for it." He looked nervous. He sat across from me. " I'm just gonna say it. I want to know if its okay if I propose to Bella tonight." I cover my mouth. Oh my gosh!?!?! I go to his side hugging him. "Of course it is! Your my best friend in the house! Why wouldn't it?" Adia barks. Edward grins at her. " Adia said she thought she was your best friend." I giggled and sat on the bed. "Sorry girl, I knew Edward longer than you." She whined. Big baby. " I just didn't want to steal your engagement light from you or anything." I laughed. " It's fine. Maybe we can even have a double wedding!" I grin. He hugs me. " Thanks." I nod. " Good luck!" He leaves right as Jasper comes in. I fill him in on the conversation....

10 min later

"I'm so happy for them!" I squeal. Jasper chuckles. I jump on the bed after putting in the movie  Blue Lagoon. Half way in I felt Jasper's eyes on me. I looked up catching him staring. "Can I help you?" I smiled. He grinned. "I want to ask you something. But I don't want to sound like a ....jerk." I paused the movie and look at him. "Just ask. I promise it won't come on jerky." He sighs. He looks at me. Then leans over, kissing me. Awkwardly, he moves closer still, kissing me again, more deeply... I return the kiss. Passion sweeps over us. But as he attempts to unbutton my shirt – I pull back with a grin. "Jasper... no." Jasper find leaning his forehead against mine. I didn't even realize I was straddling him. "You've said that I could ask you anything." I laughed at him. " That wasn't a question tho, more of and action." He rubs a finger down my cheek. "  I want you so bad. It's driving me nuts." He whispers. I went to the door letting Adia out. I went back and climbed into his lap.

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